Congresswoman Dina Titus at Water and Lands Team meeting

On October 26, Representative Dina Titus joined the SNG Water and Lands Team meeting to champion a slate of legislative successes. An advocate for global 30 x 30 conservation goals, the congresswoman was “feeling good about Avi Kwa Ame” and is optimistic that it will soon gain status as a national monument under the Antiquities Act.

She highlighted aspects of the most significant climate legislation to date, the Inflation Reduction Act. The IRA allocates $4 billion specifically for conservation and drought relief, funding that helps farmers fallow fields and municipalities build reuse systems. It has sustainability incentives such as tax rebates for solar power to bring down people’s power bills, tax credits for purchasing electric vehicles, as well as rebates for green home infrastructure such as electric heat pumps and water heaters. An additional $5 billion over five years will be dedicated to clean school buses, improving air quality and reducing harmful emissions.

The Congresswoman has long endorsed “Ring Around the Valley'' to encourage infill and sustainable growth. She listed a number of environmental and conservation bills that safeguard Nevadans. The Colorado River Drought Response Act and the Las Vegas Wash Program Extension Act passed the House in August as part of the Wildfire Response and Drought Resiliency Act.

Other important legislation Congresswoman Titus is working on includes the Nuclear Waste Informed Consent Act, the Water Data Act, the Climate RESILIENCE Act, and the Water Efficiency, Conservation, and Sustainability Act. Working together with Mitchell Moonier, the congresswoman’s environmental assistant, our goal is to promote policies that protect and preserve Nevada's land and water.