Help Rob and Tracey Organize the Fall ICO Retreat and Outdoor Leadership Training. If Not You, Perhaps a Friend or Relative!

Reno ICO is gearing up to hold our third Retreat/Outdoor Leadership Training this fall at the beautiful and historic Sierra Club Clair Tappaan Lodge. This is an opportunity for up to 25 participants to engage in the Sierra Club’s Outings Leadership Training with a focus on getting young people outside. At the weekend training participants will learn to facilitate safe and engaging youth backpacking, snowshoeing, and hiking trips.  It is a guaranteed good time for all as we learn together, eat together, hike, and play in this beautiful mountain environment!

OLT Group at Clair Tappan Lodge 6/2023
The June 2023 Outdoor Leadership Training
graduates in front of Clair Tappaan Lodge.

Tracey and Rob are looking forward to organizing this but we could really use a third person to help us sign up participants, keep our roster together, and track food, lodging, and other data to make the retreat happen. We will all work together to set a great date, make the reservation, and put together the retreat. The curriculum is all set, so organizing this is easy and Rob and Tracey will hold the hand of whoever helps - we will work as a team of three, splitting up the tasks. 

Hey ICO volunteers and supporters, if you are too busy to help, perhaps your parent or a friend might be interested!  These tasks don't even involve going outside - Anyone who has basic abilities to use a computer and talk on the phone could do this. Overall this should be no more than 15 hours of volunteer work spread over 6 weeks and our volunteer can live anywhere! 

If you are willing to join us in leading this effort or know somebody who may be interested in supporting Reno Inspiring Connections Outdoors in this way, please contact Rob at