How to Use the 2023 Annual Report to Grow Reno ICO

The Reno Inspiring Connections Outdoors (ICO) 2023 Annual Report, also called the 2023 Year in Review has just been published.  Reno ICO is calling on all volunteers and supporters to use this document as a tool to help grow Reno ICO.  Here are some suggestions:

Recruit Volunteers:  Since the Reno ICO Annual Report is filled with pictures of our trips and trainings, you will find that people who love the outdoors are inspired and will want to join and become volunteers themselves. Send the Annual Report to your local friends and family and encourage them to get involved. Or you could send them the February 2024 Reno ICO Newsletter with a note of your own.
ICO Volunteer Group at Gear Extravaganza

Recruit Donors:  The 2023 Year in Review documents the impact of Reno ICO over the past year and sets forth our goals and plans for 2024. Reno ICO checks so many of the boxes for people who want to give their money to make a difference in their community and the world:

  • Improving the environment
  • Building a passion among young people
  • Getting kids off their phones
  • Exercise and adventure

Reno ICO Chair Rob Schamberg and Fund Development Assistant Coordinator Troy Wilson are available to support you in developing long-term relationships with donors, to help us fund trips now and into the future.

Get the Word Out and Build a Community That Supports Reno ICO:  Did you know that Inspiring Connections Outdoors is over 50 years old!  It was started in the San Francisco Bay Area by Sierra Club advocates who were advocating for the inclusion of Point Reyes into the National Parks system. You can engage in similar organizing to make sure that Reno ICO lasts for decades.  Send the Reno ICO Annual Report with a personal note to government leaders, school district board members, leaders of community organizations or to other people with power!  Ask for their support!  Also, if you can nominate Reno ICO for awards (such as the Golden Pinecone Award, the Nevada Conservation League Green Guardian Award, or the Sierra Club Madelyn Pyeatt Outdoors for All Award.) or for a grantee program (think REI, Cabela’s, Whole Foods, Patagonia, etc.)

If you have more ideas for using the 2023 Annual Report to grow Reno ICO, please email Rob Schamberg.