Get Involved


At the Toiyabe Chapter we are powered by grassroots and community organizing, and so we are always recruiting volunteers across the state to help win environmental victories! Keep reading to learn more about our volunteering with us, and explore our current opportunities and sign up below. We strive to provide volunteer opportunities for all experience levels and schedules!

Sign Up to Volunteer Today

Volunteer culture

We work everyday to build a culture of learning and teaching among our volunteers and teams. Volunteering takes many forms, and it becomes what you make of it. There is no prior experience required, only a desire to make a difference! 

Finding the right volunteering fit

Consider the type of experience you're looking for. Do you want to join a team? Meet new people? Work on projects? Build a community? What is your ideal time commitment? What issues are you passionate about?

Sign Up to Volunteer Today

Click on the opportunities below to learn more about the different teams and what volunteering with them could look like. You'll have the option to sign up, feel free to explore all the options and sign up for as many or as few opportunities that interest you!

New to the Toiyabe Chapter or not sure where to start? Reach out to our Volunteer Coordinator, Teresa, at Teresa will be able to answer all of your questions and help you find the perfect volunteering fit. We're looking forward to working with you!