News from our Legislative Committee:
We need your utility stories! We are building a campaign to give our legislators ammunition to stand up to NV Energy and SW Gas. Our energy bills continue to go up, while our desert is being destroyed and our utilities are making outrageous profits.
Help us by providing your own personal experiences about your energy situation. Just 1 or 2 paragraphs will do. Have you been uncomfortable this past summer or winter in order to afford your energy bills? Have you or anyone you know had to sacrifice other needs, wants, or purchases to pay for energy? Please describe to us how these bills have affected your life. If you have installed rooftop solar, you can explain why and what benefits you are gaining.
We have professional help to edit and compile our stories so that they make a compelling impact on our legislators. All we need is you and your stories.
Email to Bari at, or Tracy at
News for our Political Committee:
The Toiyabe ExCom and Sierra Club National have endorsed our federal incumbents for re-election: US Senator Jacky Rosen, Representatives Steven Horsford, Susie Lee and Dina Titus. Bari and Tracy worked with their campaigns to write press releases announcing these endorsements, and Sierra Club National has announced and published Senator Rosen’s endorsement on their webpage, and the campaign posted on X.
Our political committee has voted to recommend endorsement of our state environmental champions; we are awaiting a vote of approval from our Chapter ExCom. Upon approval, these endorsements will be posted on our newly revamped Political Webpage.
Join us to help elect environmental champions in our state!