May this beautiful season bring you clean air, beautiful views, and opportunities for you to explore, enjoy, and protect the Earth. Here are a few articles to help make those things happen.
Clark County Alert
Las Vegas Needs Climate Action, Not More Sprawl
I gnoring Las Vegas' intensifying heat waves, pollution, traffic, water scarcity, disappearing public lands and wildlife, and other climate change impacts, Nevada's congressional delegation introduced legislation to grow Las Vegas' footprint by the size of Washington DC. This will make all of these problems worse.
But it doesn't have to be this way. Nevada's Climate Strategy, All-In Clark County and President Biden's climate agenda all show we have the policies and political will to make things better not worse. Bottom line: We have to change the way we develop cities like Las Vegas. Clark County residents, it's up to you to speak out for climate action. Your future is at stake.
Read more about Sierra Club's concerns, and speak out against sprawl in Las Vegas.
Sierra Club Events
Although the economy is opening up, all Sierra Club in-person events and activities are still on hold through July 4. The good side to this: you can join any of these upcoming meetings from the comfort of your home.
- May 19. Southern Nevada Group Speaker Series. Avi Kwa Ame with Alan O-Neill. RSVP here.
- May 20. Yard-Worthy Native Pollinator Plants and Why They’re Important. Learn why and how pollinators are important and threatened, and how you can provide a safe habitat for them. This is not a Sierra Club event, but it's important, so we're sharing. RSVP here.
- May 26. Volunteer Networking event. Join our monthly social networking event with volunteers from across the Toiyabe Chapter. We'll hear about the Southern Nevada Group's Inspiring Connections Outdoors program and other projects. If you're not currently a volunteer, join anyway. More = merrier. RSVP here.
- June 1. Coexisting with Coyotes. No matter where you live, equip yourself with the tools, resources, and expertise needed to coexist with coyotes, the most persecuted native carnivore in North America! RSVP here.
- June 3. World Environment Day Activist training. Honor World Environment Day by learning how to become a public lands activist, with Our Wild America Organizer Christian Gerlach. RSVP here.
Plastic Free July
Wondering what you can do to make a difference? Make a choice right now to use less plastic in your life.
Join the Toiyabe Chapter's Plastic Free July campaign. Sign the pledge below, and receive hints, educational materials, and invites to events to help us all make wiser and healthier consumer choices.
As an individual, you may not make a difference on this issue. But together by the thousands in Nevada, and millions around the world, our choices and voices can speak powerfully for change.
Avi Kwa Ame: Memories of my Father
Landscapes become even more special when they host memories with the ones we love. Read Our Wild America Organizer Christian Gerlach's memories of exploring the proposed Avi Kwa Ame National Monument with his father, who passed last year.
"I was raised by a wise and kind man who taught me the lessons of our place in time and on this planet, and our role in it all."
Your Monthly Support Matters
 Every month, these emails tell you about the important work your local Sierra Club activists are doing to secure a better future for our lands, waters, wildlife, and communities.
Every month, we need financial support to give these important issues the attention they deserve.
Please consider becoming a monthly donor to the Toiyabe Chapter. All money will stay here in Nevada and the Eastern Sierra, working to achieve beneficial environmental outcomes for every person and creature living in this region.
Would you donate the cost of one lunch each month to know it supports dozens of activists working on the issues you care about? Now's your chance.
Volunteer Spotlight: Anne Macquarie
By Samantha Heath, another awesome volunteer.
Meet Anne, a lifelong environmental activist, who got elected to the Sierra Club Toiyabe Chapter Executive Committee just as we faced two of our greatest challenges yet: the former president of the United States and a global pandemic. Read more about Anne, and learn her sage advice for any aspiring activist looking to make an impact. Spoiler alert: "Just show up. If you continue to show up, you’ll make a difference.”
Learn more about Anne here!
Show up here.
Great Basin Group
Getting Kids Outdoors this Summer
Great Basin Outdoor School thanks Sierra Club Great Basin Group for recent outings support for children in need. We also have summer volunteer opportunities for friends interested in helping kids connect with science and nature at our Adventure Day Camp at the River School Farm in Reno on the Truckee River.
Our staff will teach three groups of ten children each week for five weeks June 14-July 23, skipping 4th of July week. Sierra Club members could be guest presenters or just help out at times that work for you. Thanks for supporting kids and the Great Basin Outdoor School.
We still have some partial scholarships for children. If you know deserving kids, pass this on. Learn more at
Interested in getting southern Nevada kids into nature? Check out Las Vegas Inspiring Connections Outdoors, and/or watch their presentation on May 26.
The COVID-19 crisis has not passed and continues to disproportionately harm Black, Indigenous, and Latinx people and other communities of color. The pandemic has revealed how the communities hardest hit are often the same communities that suffer from high levels of pollution and poor access to health care. The fight for environmental justice cannot be separated from the fight for racial justice.
We are expecting to open up again after July 4. Stay tuned for details.
Donate to Support Our Work!
As your Sierra Club activists in Nevada and the eastern Sierra, we at the Toiyabe Chapter are dedicated to succeeding in all the challenges you read here and more. To win, it's going to take more than gumption, vision, dedicated activists, and a passion for this amazing region. It's going to take money. Donate today to support our work. All money will stay local to benefit you and your community. Thank you! |
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Thanks for reading. Become an environmental champion by becoming a member! The Sierra Club is the largest, oldest, grassroots environmental organization in the nation. Your support will make us stronger!