Happy Earth month! May each blossom brighten your spirits, and may the wind blow welcome change into your life. Your Toiyabe Chapter activists are hard at work pursuing sustainable solutions across Nevada and the eastern Sierra. Here are a few updates and opportunities for you to take action.
Mining Tax Reform at the Nevada Legislature
Since Nevada's founding, mining companies in Nevada (most of them foreign-owned) have had a sweetheart deal, paying paltry taxes on the non-renewable wealth they pull from your public lands. With an economy devastated by COVID-19, it's time they paid their fair share—with proceeds going to education and health care. Read more and take action here.
To receive weekly updates on the latest legislation needing action, sign up here.
Support Protecting 30% of Lands and Waters by 2030 at the
Clark County Commission
On April 20, the Clark County Commission will vote on this resolution supporting the protection of 30% of lands and waters in Nevada and across the USA by 2030.
Clark County residents, contact your commissioners today. Thank them for championing land conservation, and urge they vote yes on this resolution.
Earth Week Activities
Who would have thought COVID would shut down in-person Earth Day celebrations for a second year? Nevertheless, we persist ... virtually. Join us for two events this week to watch inspiring stories of activism, and to celebrate all the volunteers who make this great work possible.
- Earth Week Movie Night, Toiyabe edition: Monday, Apr 19, 6pm. RSVP here.
- Volunteer Appreciation night. Thursday, Apr 22, 6pm. RSVP here.
Thank you, Donors!
 To all the people who have donated to support our work this year, THANK YOU!!
Your charitable gifts fuel our activism as we work for climate solutions, achieve meaningful environmental laws at the Nevada Legislature, and protect air, water, public lands and wildlife across the region.
If you haven't yet invested in beneficial environmental outcomes in Nevada and the eastern Sierra, please do so today. Click here.
Together, we can make a difference!
Letter to the Editor Party, May 3
Want to use your writing skills to push for climate action? Have you been wondering how your activism can have more impact and inspire others?
On Monday, May 3 at 5:30pm join Nevada Sierra Club organizers Eymhy Corpus (Beyond Coal Campaign) and Christian Gerlach (Our Wild America) for a Letter to the Editor workshop! Learn how to craft powerful op-eds and letters to the editor to push Nevada's leadership and decision-makers to pursue clean energy and protect our public lands for future generations.
These pieces of media are not only effective at swaying important decisions — they also inspire others in our communities to get involved. So don't miss out on this opportunity to learn and have a good time with other passionate Nevadans!
The COVID-19 crisis has not passed and continues to disproportionately harm Black, Indigenous, and Latinx people and other communities of color. The pandemic has revealed how the communities hardest hit are often the same communities that suffer from high levels of pollution and poor access to health care. The fight for environmental justice cannot be separated from the fight for racial justice. |
Donate to Support Our Work!
As your Sierra Club activists in Nevada and the eastern Sierra, we at the Toiyabe Chapter are dedicated to succeeding in all the challenges you read here and more. To win, it's going to take more than gumption, vision, dedicated activists, and a passion for this amazing region. It's going to take money. Donate today to support our work. All money will stay local to benefit you and your community. Thank you! |
Join the Sierra Club
Thanks for reading. Become an environmental champion by becoming a member! The Sierra Club is the largest, oldest, grassroots environmental organization in the nation. Your support will make us stronger!