Happy new year to one and all. We hope you are all safe, sound, and healthy in these crazy times. Despite the challenges of the day, Sierra Club has accomplishments to celebrate. And we're preparing for both challenging and better days ahead. Read on to learn more and take action.
Our Response to the DC Attacks
Being able to explore, enjoy and protect our planet depends on the safety of our elected leaders as they conduct their Constitutional duties. Anyone who assaults these leaders threatens our foundational environmental laws and democracy itself. Everyone complicit in the terrorist attack on the US Capitol needs to be held accountable. No one is above the law, even our highest elected officials.
Nevada Takes Steps Toward Climate Action
On December 1, Nevada released its State Climate Strategy. More than half of Sierra Club’s recommendations were included in this plan. We applaud the Sisolak Administration for incorporating these recommendations. And we encourage decision makers in the public and private sectors in Nevada to implement the strategy as well as bolder actions to help Nevada mitigate our region's climate disruption.
Click here to read the details and take action.
Transportation: Update and Plans for 2021
The transportation sector is the single leading source of greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution in Nevada. With two of the fastest warming cities in the nation (Las Vegas and Reno), there is no more time to waste in reforming our transportation systems to meet 21st Century needs. In addition, sprawl continues to threaten both Las Vegas and Reno. Reform is also needed in urban planning to reduce the need for single-vehicle travel in our cities. In short, we see transportation as the tantamount climate issue in the state. So what are we doing about it?
Click here to read our ambitious plans for 2021.
Protecting 30% of Lands and Waters by 2030
Our survival depends on it.
We are standing together on the edge of a precipice, regarding the fate of our planet and all species that live on it … including us. The time for waiting is over. It is time to take action to preserve the lands and waters that sustain us, before we destroy any chance of recovering from the devastating path we are currently on. What can we do? Protect the lands and waters that sustain life in this region.
Celebrating Nevada's Elected Environmental Champions!
To create stronger environmental laws, we need to elect stronger environmental candidates. On behalf of the Toiyabe Chapter, thank you so much to all of the candidates who fought tooth and nail in their respective races, and congratulations to those who were elected to serve. The Toiyabe Chapter is ready to work with these elected champions to move forward with meaningful policies to increase renewable energy, climate solutions, and environmental equity and protection. How will we do it? And how can you help?
Southern Nevada Group
Avi Kwa Ame: Nevada's Newest National Monument?
Support is growing for another national monument in Nevada. For years, Indigenous tribes and conservation groups have proposed protections for the area surrounding the Wee Thump Joshua Tree Wilderness, Grapevine Canyon, and the Spirit Mountain Wilderness. This effort has been led by the Fort Mohave Tribe, or Pipa Aha Macav, People by the River, as they refer to themselves. Other organizations like the National Parks Conservation Association, Basin and Range Watch, and the Conservation Lands Foundation have also been pushing for further protections. Our Sierra Club Southern Nevada Group has recently passed a resolution supporting national monument status for Avi Kwa Ame.
Great Basin Group

Great Basin Group Members Still Hike!
The Great Basin Group could not do its traditional New Years Day hike in 2021, so we pivoted. As announced on Meetup for Great Basin Group, members were urged to take hikes individually or in trusted groups and follow COVID-19 guidelines. The choice of venue was up to them. They were asked to report these facts on their hike on SurveyMonkey: 1) rough description of where they hiked; 2) number of people in party (actual people, not including dogs); and 3) approximate number of miles round-trip for hike.
A total of 52 RSVP’d for the event, and 30 responses were entered on SurveyMonkey as of January 3. A total of 79 people participated, with the average group size being 2.6. The average hike length was 4.5 miles. Adding the miles of every hiker, we covered 319 miles. Surely some hiked without filling out the survey, or intend to do it yet; thus the actual total miles may be as much as 400. We urge members to continue to get outdoors, as it is one of the best ways to cure the pandemic blues. When COVID retreats, we look forward to hiking together again in a robust outings program.
Changes Are Coming to the Steamboat Ditch
Do you spend time on the Steamboat Ditch “trail” through Reno?
Changes are being proposed that will permanently alter the ditch's character. Public comments are now being accepted. Would you like to see fish passage and/or safe kayak passage included at the diversion dam? Do you have ideas about specific sections that should or should not be piped or concreted in? Are there specific areas of concern for flood control or erosion? Do you use the maintenance road for recreation and appreciate the access to this linear greenspace? Would you like that access to be public?
Public comments are being accepted through February 16.
The COVID-19 crisis has not passed and continues to disproportionately harm Black, Indigenous, and Latinx people and other communities of color. The pandemic has revealed how the communities hardest hit are often the same communities that suffer from high levels of pollution and poor access to health care. The fight for environmental justice cannot be separated from the fight for racial justice. |
Donate to Support Our Work!
As your Sierra Club activists in Nevada and the eastern Sierra, we at the Toiyabe Chapter are dedicated to succeeding in all the challenges you read here and more. To win, it's going to take more than gumption, vision, dedicated activists, and a passion for this amazing region. It's going to take money. Donate today to support our work. All money will stay local to benefit you and your community. Thank you! |
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