Hello all, as we enter the final weeks of 2020, here are a few updates and actions you can take to protect our region's air, water, public lands and communities.
As a reminder, Sierra Club in-person outings, meetings, and events remain on hold until at least March 1. We need you healthy to help us pursue climate action and environmental justice and protection in 2021, so please keep yourselves healthy. Wishing you and yours a happy & healthy holiday season!
Desert Refuge and Fallon Wildlands Spared
...for now. Today, the US Senate voted to pass the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which includes a 25-year extension of time for the Air Force and Navy to use your public lands at the Desert National Wildlife Refuge and near Fallon, respectively. The NDAA does not include any proposals to expand military operations over additional lands. This is a welcome victory and is the result of you and other people who have spoken up in defense of keeping our public lands open to all. THANK YOU to everyone who has taken action!!
Unfortunately, we know this victory is only temporary. Both the Air Force and Navy have made it clear they are not satisfied with this result. They will be back next Congress (which begins in January) with their proposals again. Sierra Club will also be there, defending Nevada's wildlife and public lands against military might. We will need your support to keep up the fight.
But for now, pat yourselves on the back and give thanks that we have won for the time being. Thank you everyone who helped make this happen.
State Climate Strategy Released

On December 1, Governor Sisolak launched Nevada's State Climate Strategy, which outlines many steps Nevada and our communities can take toward the climate solutions we need. It doesn't address everything that needs to happen to combat our climate crisis, but it will take Nevada strong steps in the right direction.
Nevadans have consistently shown their desire to move away from fossil fuels. People from across the state informed the Strategy, which also included numerous recommendations submitted by the Sierra Club. Thank you to everyone who participated in the Nevada Climate Initiative process.
Please click below to add your message of thanks to Governor Sisolak and the Nevada Climate Initiative team. Let them know you appreciate their diligence in listening to Nevadans and developing policies to address climate disruption in Nevada. And encourage them to be bold in turning this plan into action.
Click here to sign the petition.
Save the Date: Volunteer Open House, January 11th

On Monday January 11th, Toiyabe Chapter leaders are hosting a Virtual Welcome Open House for volunteers like you! Meet other like-minded individuals, learn about the many teams and campaigns at work in the Toiyabe Chapter, and find a place to plug in!
During this election season, when this country needed you the most, many of you showed up. Every text, letter, call, and vote made a difference. You made a difference! Voters made it clear that change is needed. Although Biden and Harris have pledged action on climate justice, clean energy, conservation of public lands and water, and development of a better fuel economy, we still have a lot of work to do to make our elected officials listen and act, especially locally. We need to keep up our momentum!
Join us to meet a network of passionate, engaged, and active volunteers right here in Nevada and the eastern Sierra!
Once you've RSVP'd, you will receive a zoom link and reminder via email before the event. We hope to see you there!
Step Up With Us. Donate today.
The Toiyabe Chapter depends on your support for all our work. Defending our lands, waters, wildlife and communities takes a community of activists and donors.
The Toiyabe Chapter Executive Committee has stepped up — all board members are also donors. Will you join us with a generous gift today? So much is at stake.
"I support the Sierra Club because it is the first line of defense for local environmental problems as well as the most successful grass-roots organization to protect national issues." ~Laurel Ames, Tahoe Area Group ExCom member.
Click here to donate to the Toiyabe Chapter.
Consider a monthly gift. Easy for you; powerful for our work here in Nevada and the eastern Sierra.
Members, cast your ballots
Election season isn't over yet if you're a Sierra Club member. The Toiyabe Chapter and its groups (Great Basin Group, Tahoe Area Group, Range of Light Group, and Southern Nevada Group) are holding elections for open Executive Committee seats.
Sierra Club, the nation’s largest and oldest grassroots environmental organization, is proudly democratic and member-driven. The at-large Chapter and Group delegates you elect direct the work of the Sierra Club in Nevada and the eastern Sierra. Your vote ensures Sierra Club is guided by its members in an open and fair democratic process.
Please take a few minutes to support grassroots leadership and environmental action today.
Click here to vote today.
Southern Nevada Group
Let's get together and celebrate!
At last 2020 is coming to a close. The growing darkness will end with the Winter Solstice, so the SNG is celebrating with a Year-End Party on Zoom, 12/21 @5:15pm PST.
The theme is "Caring & Sharing." The online event will kick-off with a personal "hello" from Congresswoman Susie Lee (D-NV3), followed by five-minute presentations from SNG leaders that include virtual outings, blasts from the past, entertaining videos, and even an ethnic cooking lesson. Don't miss this opportunity for fun and fellowship. Family and friends welcome! Please register today.
RSVP here.
(so we know how many digital cookies to bake)
Inspiring Connections Outdoors Update
The Las Vegas chapter of Inspiring Connections Outdoors is dedicated to providing opportunities for people (especially children and young adults) with limited access to the outdoors to safely explore, enjoy and protect the natural world. We unfortunately have not been able to have any in-person outings since March due to pandemic restrictions. But we are gearing up for virtual outings, and are making plans for once the pandemic passes.
Click here to read more about ICO in Las Vegas.
The COVID-19 crisis has not passed and continues to disproportionately harm Black, Indigenous, and Latinx people and other communities of color. The pandemic has revealed how the communities hardest hit are often the same communities that suffer from high levels of pollution and poor access to health care. The fight for environmental justice cannot be separated from the fight for racial justice. |
Join the Sierra Club
Thanks for reading. Become an environmental champion by becoming a member! The Sierra Club is the largest, oldest, grassroots environmental organization in the nation. Your support will make us stronger!