May the beauty of autumn provide peace and inspiration in these fraught times. As a reminder, Sierra Club in-person outings, meetings, and events remain on hold until March 1. But, it being 2020, there's enough to keep us busy. Please take time today to act for climate, public lands, wildlife, and communities in Nevada and the eastern Sierra.
19 Days and Counting...
With fewer than three weeks until Election Day, electing climate champions is critical. Every vote matters, especially yours. Here's what you can do to make a difference:
Paid for by Sierra Club NV PAC and not endorsed or coordinated with any candidate or candidate committee.
Nevada Climate Initiative
The Sisolak Administration is preparing to release a Nevada Climate Strategy in December, and they want your input.
If you have not yet, please take this survey to share your concerns and recommendations for climate action in Nevada. Deadline is noon, October 16 (That's tomorrow!)
Sign this petition to tell Nevada to prioritize the needs of communities who have been hit hardest by the impacts of climate pollution. We will keep you informed about opportunities to advocate.
The Sierra Club is developing our recommendations for the Nevada Climate Strategy. We will share them once we have submitted them.
Thank you, Governor Sisolak, for taking #NVClimateAction.
Fallon Wildlands and Desert Refuge Still Threatened by Military Expansion

Happy National Wildlife Refuge Week! Elections, pandemics, Supreme Court confirmation hearings, wildfires, hurricanes, and other 2020 events are not enough to stop the military from proposing to expand their bombing over more than than a million acres of your public lands in Nevada.
Please take a few minutes to call your Senators and Representatives, urging them to oppose all military expansions over your public lands and wildlife habitats in northern and southern Nevada. This matters. Call today!
Senator Cortez Masto: (202) 224-3542
Senator Jacky Rosen: (202) 224-6244
Congressman Mark Amodei: (202) 225-6155
Congressman Steven Horsford: (202) 225-9894
Congresswoman Dina Titus: (202) 225-5965
Congresswoman Susie Lee: (202) 225-3252
Read our blog with more details and take action.
Or cut to the chase, and take action here.
Sierra Club's Problematic History

Join the Toiyabe Chapter's Anti-Racism Team on November 5 at 5:30 pm for a presentation and discussion: Looking Inside Sierra Club's History.
We will dive into Sierra Club's long and sometimes problematic history, as evidenced by this Sierra Club outing photo from 1902 (who is missing?). We will also discuss how we as humans look at history, and whose history we acknowledge. This will be a conversation filled with self reflection, collective learning, and will be accessible to all.
Please sign up today to join us, and we'll be in touch with the Zoom details! Don't forget to mark your calendar!
Rest in Peace, Ellen Pillard
On October 8, we lost a long-time friend and leader, Ellen Pillard.
As an outings leader for the Great Basin Group, Toiyabe Chapter Executive Committee member, and member of the Club's national board of directors, Ellen was a true friend of the Earth and those around her. Her dedication to the Sierra Club, quick intelligence, big smile, and humor will be greatly missed.
Read more about Ellen's life and legacy here.
Executive Committee Nominations Open
Your Sierra Club Toiyabe Chapter seeks to recruit and sustain Executive Committee membership through diversifying and empowering its leadership to represent our community and region in promoting environmental, social and racial justice. Join the team and shape the future of environmental advocacy today!
If you know someone, maybe even yourself, who would be a great fit for our executive committee—submit a nomination today! The election voting period runs from Nov. 1st - Dec. 31st, 2020. Terms are for two (2) years and officially begin February 2021.
Does Your Neighborhood Have Clean Air?
Nevada has an air quality crisis. Transportation, wildfires, and other emissions chronically pollute the air. Air pollution varies dramatically location to location and season to season. Local pollution can change with wind, temperature, and other climatic factors. This photo of Reno was taken on September 15, 2020.
A member of the Toiyabe Transportation Team, Alan Horvath, created this web site that aggregates multiple sources of air quality information in one interface, allowing Reno and Las Vegas residents to explore air quality in your own neighborhood, hour by hour. Check it out.
Although we don’t have control over wildfires choking our air, we can reduce pollution by electrifying our transportation and transitioning our communities to clean, renewable energy. Alan and the Transportation Team will begin sharing social media posts to help Nevadans understand our air quality for our own health and to demonstrate the need for electrified public transportation and renewable energy throughout the state.
Keep an eye out for timely posts on our Facebook page on air quality, and check out the site for yourself to learn more about air quality in your neighborhood!
End of the Trail for the Toiyabe Trails
Since the Toiyabe Chapter was founded in 1956, we have shared our adventures and advocacy news with members through our newsletter, the Toiyabe Trails. For 30 years, Lynne Foster has been at the helm of production. She recently informed us she is retiring from that position, and we have not yet decided how we will continue sharing our news with members and the public on paper.
It's important for us to keep you informed and empowered to protect our environment and communities. The Toiyabe Chapter Executive Committee and leaders will be discussing what that will look like on paper. Watch this space for updates, and please feel free to reach out with suggestions.
Thank you, Lynne Foster, for your years of service and dedication to the Toiyabe Trails. You have been an important part of our work, and we appreciate your professionalism and dedication.
We Need Your Sure and Steady Support
As our world becomes increasingly uncertain, and as the threats to our climate, communities, public lands and wildlife intensify, your local Sierra Club, the Toiyabe Chapter, is building power to be a sure and steady advocate for the solutions we need. Your support will help us do that.
Your monthly gift provides a regular and reliable source of income for our work. Support us today, and be a champion for climate solutions and environmental protection every month of the year.
Click here to become a monthly donor to the Toiyabe Chapter.
Please join the ranks of Toiyabe Chapter's monthly donors. Thank you for being part of the solution!

Support the Marge Sill Memorial Scholarship Fund
As the charitable giving season nears, please consider the Marge Sill scholarship fund at UNR, set up after her passing in 2016.
This scholarship supports students with environmental majors and is a wonderful way to carry on the legacy of Marge Sill, who was a giant in the work of the Toiyabe Chapter. For more information, call the UNR Foundation Office (775-784-1587) or visit their website. The particular fund is "Marge L. Sill Memorial Scholarship.” Donations to the scholarship are tax deductible.
Southern Nevada Group

Help Inform Clark County's Master Plan
Clark County is currently rewriting its comprehensive plan and development code, which will dictate planning and growth decisions in the county until 2050. The process the county is conducting is called Transform Clark County, but the preliminary framework for the plan does not prioritize or acknowledge climate change as the biggest threat to southern Nevada over the next three decades.
Please take 10 minutes to fill out the county's online feedback survey and ask that climate change be the guiding lens for all development in the county going forward.
The survey closes October 31st. Once you have taken the survey, if you would like to get more involved to make the Clark County Master Plan as just and environmentally sound as possible, email Jasmine Vazin, the Sierra Club's Clean Transportation For All organizer.
The COVID-19 crisis has not passed and continues to disproportionately harm Black, Indigenous, and Latinx people and other communities of color. The pandemic has revealed how the communities hardest hit are often the same communities that suffer from high levels of pollution and poor access to healthcare. The fight for environmental justice cannot be separated from the fight for racial justice. |
Join the Sierra Club
Thanks for reading. Become an environmental champion by becoming a member! The Sierra Club is the largest, oldest, grassroots environmental organization in the nation. Your support will make us stronger!