Invest in a Better Future with the Toiyabe Chapter

(And win this beautiful image)

 Bear Creek Spire, by Vern Clevenger

Noted Mammoth Lakes landscape photographer and longtime Sierra Club supporter Vern Clevenger has offered to give a 11x16 matted print of his photo, “Dawn – Bear Creek Spire and Little Lakes Valley” to the first 25 people who donate $1,000 or more to the Toiyabe Chapter.


The Sierra Club doesn’t just CALL itself a grassroots organization, it really is one. Every day, your local Sierra Club volunteer leaders and activists, supported by our incredibly hardworking Toiyabe Chapter Director Brian, are working for clean energy and a climate-resilient future; pushing back against the Trump administration’s attacks on our bedrock environmental protections; advocated for protection and access to our abundant public lands, and more.

Besides protecting natural ecosystems, the Sierra Club builds ecosystems of volunteers, professionals, and collaborating organizations. You’ve read here in the e-news about what we do. We know many of you have supported our efforts for a clean and healthy future by showing up at meetings, tabling at various events, making annual donations, and more. I’m grateful for the opportunity to be a part of a team like the Sierra Club Toiyabe Chapter. Thanks so much.

But the fact is, our challenges and opportunities right now are vast - from pushing back against oil and gas leasing on our public lands; to challenging the proposed military takeover of the Desert National Wildlife Refuge; to advocating for clean electricity, clean transportation and resilient, livable cities; to electing environmental champions at all levels in the upcoming 2020 elections.

So we have kicked off a major donor campaign to get the financial support – from YOU – that we must have to rise to those challenges.

Imagine this beautiful image hanging on your wall while you support your hardworking Sierra Club friends working for a better future.

Make a major donation to the Sierra Club Toiyabe Chapter.

To donate:
Donate online via THIS LINK
Become a monthly donor at the link above (A monthly gift of $85 gets you “Dawn – Bear Creek Spire and Little Lakes Valley” if you are one of the first 25 givers)

Or write a check today:
Sierra Club Toiyabe Chapter
PO Box 8096
Reno, NV 89507

Give today to secure a better tomorrow!

Thank you!