Election for Toiyabe Chapter Executive Committee

The nomination period is now open for candidates for the Executive Committee of the Toiyabe Chapter.  If you are interested in serving, contact the Chair of the Nominations Committee — Laura Richards (twokit@sbcglobal.net).  Following Toiyabe Chapter bylaws, the Toiyabe Chapter election schedule for 2018 is:

Oct. 1:    Publication of this schedule on the Toiyabe Chapter website before this date

Oct. 31:  Close window for nominations, and Nominating Committee submits its report of candidates

Nov. 5:   Executive Committee approves the slate of chapter candidates via email vote

Nov. 16: Deadline for petition candidates to submit materials to Election Committee

Nov. 19: Election postcard materials sent to printer by Elections Committee

Nov. 26: Retrieve the election ballot mailing list from national database and forward to printer

Dec. 1:   Mailing of electronic ballot link and instructions on postcard to chapter elections mailing list

Dec. 31: Closing date for acceptance of electronic ballots and paper ballots at chapter PO box

Jan. 2:    Vote count — electronic (and paper, if any)

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