Truckee Goes Nuke-Free!

By Erin de Lafontaine, volunteer

Thanks to caring residents like you, the Truckee Donner Public Utility District (TDPUD) Board, at their April 4 meeting, rejected a proposal to pursue nuclear power. Since 2015, the TDPUD Board has been considering whether to enter into a power sales agreement for the Small Modular Nuclear Reactor project (SMR) as part of the Utah Associated Municipal Power Systems (UAMPS). The Board was scheduled to give the final go-ahead that night.

The plant, according to UAMPS, is proposed to consist of twelve 50-megawatt nuclear reactors at the Idaho National Laboratory near Idaho Falls, Idaho.  The purpose of the recent board meeting was to get approval of the power sales agreement with UAMPS, which would have not only made the Truckee community customers, but also partial owners of the SMR nuclear plant.  

Public comments included concerns over the nuclear waste problem, the lack of comparative analysis of renewable energy alternatives, and inconsistency with Truckee’s 100% Renewable Resolution passed last November. David von Seggern Toiyabe Chapter Executive Committee member, also voice Sierra Club’s opposition. The board also received more than over 390 petition signatures (234 online and 160 handwritten, many from of who are Sierra Club members--thank you!). The Board moved to table the project and directed the TDPUD staff instead to look at clean, renewable alternatives like wind, solar, and geothermal to meet future energy needs.

This just goes to show that caring people can make a difference!