Calls to Raise Renewable Energy Standards in CA and NV

Assemblyman Brooks introduced AB206 in the 2017 NV Legislature

Assemblyman Chris Brooks speaks at a 2017 ralley in favor of AB206, the bill he introduced to raise Nevada's Renewable Portfolio Standard. although AB 206 passed the legislature, it was vetoed by Governor Brian Sandoval. Some of our favorite Sierra Club members and supporters are behind Chris in the photo. Credit: Brian Beffort

Sierra Club's national goal is an economy fueled by 100% clean, renewable energy. In California and Nevada, two proposals are alive to move the energy markets in those states toward that goal.

Last year, the California Legislature defeated SB100, which would have raised California's Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS -- the minimum amount of renewable energy provided to consumers), was defeated in the final hours of the legislative session. 

In Nevada, the Legislature passed AB206, which would have raised Nevada's RPS. But Governor Brian Sandoval vetoed the bill in the final hours.

And now both are back. With your help, they will both be enacted.


California Senator Kevin de Leon re-introduced SB100 in December 2017. If it passes, SB100 would require 50% of California's electricity be provided by renewable resources by the end of 2026, 60% by the end of 2030, and 100% renewable, carbon-free sources by the end of 2045. 

Californians, to follow AB100, check in with the Sierra Club's California Chapter for updates.


After AB206's defeat last year, California billionaire Tom Steyer, founder of NextGen America, has bankrolled a ballot initiative to amend the Nevada Constitution to require elective suppliers to provide at least 50% of their total electricity from renewable sources by 2030. 

The Sierra Club Toiyabe Chapter has endorsed this initiative. We like the fact that this requirement is a floor, not a ceiling; utilities are welcome to provide more renewable energy than required. 

It's not 100% renewable energy, but it's a step closer.

NextGen has until June to collect enough petition signatures to get the RPS initiative on the ballot. If you see someone collecting signatures while you're out and about, take a minute to sign for a cleaner, healther future.