What Can We Do NOW?

By Lynn Boulton, Chair of the Range of Light Group of the Sierra Club

I think about how to stop the onslaught of anti-environmental legislation that comes at us almost daily—Executive Orders affecting national monuments and supporting oil and gas industries, bills to gut the Antiquities Act, allow bicycles in wilderness, and reduce environmental review for industry. 

How can we get ahead of the curve? Letters and lawsuits help slow things down, but we need to vote non-environment representatives out of office now—in the 2018 election. We need representatives who will listen to both sides, who will look at the science, and who will make up their own minds. Ever since the Citizens United vs. FEC decision, corporations and superpacs have been contributing huge amounts of money to campaigns and have an undue influence over elections. The Koch brothers, the Mercers, and other billionaires are funding superpacs for candidates that will protect their interests. 

Why are the billionaires hijacking Democracy? They want complete control over their money and don’t want any regulations to stand in their way of making it e.g. restrictions on land use, pollution controls, safety regulations, etc. 

We can’t outspend them, but we can counter the big dollars with people power. I’m going to give it my all this year to help elect those who care about the environment. It doesn’t matter to me if their chances are slim by traditional standards. We have people-power on our side. We can make sure every eligible environmental supporter is registered to vote and makes it to the polls on election day. Research shows that the best way to influence a voter on a candidate or issue is through a one-on-one conversation. Canvassing is an effective tool, as is phone banking, and volunteers can do both for free. That means going door-to-door, or picking up the phone, and talking to the movable middle and traditional supporters to ensure they go vote. Please support your local environmental candidates and help. 

Wherever you are in the eastern Sierra or Nevada, the Toiyabe Chapter’s Political Committee can help you make a difference. If you would like to get involved with local efforts, or start your own…


The June primary is only five months away!