Principles of Nevada's Clean Energy Future

Clean Energy illustration

In 2016, Nevada voters passed Question 3, the Energy Choice Initiative, with the biggest margin in Nevada's history (72%). Assuming this margin holds, when it passes again in 2018, Energy Choice will give residents greater choice over your energy service providers rather than being tied to a monopoly.

However, Energy Choice will guarantee deregulation, but not necessarily clean renewable energy or benefits for consumers like you. If it goes the wrong way, it could allow an influx of out of state fossil fuels.

For these reasons, Sierra Club remains undecided whether we will endorse the Energy Choice ballot initiative in November. However, we are working to make it stronger, or to ensure cleaner, fairer energy policies even if it fails. Sign the petition here to help. 

The Governor’s Committee on Energy Choice is considering what an energy choice market would look like in the Silver State and they need your input. Tell them you want a clean energy economy in Nevada that is fair and affordable for all.

The following Principles for Nevada's Clean Energy Future were developed by the Nevadans for Affordable Clean Energy Choices (NACEC), the Clean Energy Project, and the Sierra Club in October 2016.

Click here to sign the petition, asking the Governor's Committee on Energy Choice to make these policies mandatory for Nevada's new energy market.

Large corporations are making sure their perspective is being heard -- don't let them be the only ones. Sign today.

●      Energy choice benefitsmore clean energy, lower bills, improved energy efficiency and more – should be available to all consumers, from individual low-income users to the largest industrial customers and everyone in between.

●      Protection of Existing Customers – Any restructuring should ensure that existing customers, especially low-income Nevadans, are not left with increased costs when large users choose different energy providers. It must also ensure that stranded assets are dealt with fairly.

●      Renewable Energy Targets – A restructured energy market should require that all energy providers meet the renewable portfolio standard. Nevada should set a new long-term goal of achieving at least 80 percent clean energy by 2040, with interim milestones to steadily move toward cleaner energy.

●      Distributed Generation – A restructured energy market should allow for customers to install local clean energy with fair compensation that accounts for the societal benefits of increased Nevada jobs and economic development, reduced climate pollution and improved air quality and public health.

●      Energy Efficiency – A restructured energy market should ensure that all customers, regardless of energy provider, contribute appropriately to insure Nevada can increase its energy efficiency. Robust energy-efficiency programs should be offered, including significant options to enable low-income consumer access to energy efficiency measures.

●      Small-scale Community Choice – A restructured energy market should allow for programs like community solar (shared solar among neighbors and others) and community choice aggregation by municipalities and other entities.

●      Jobs – A restructured energy market should create good-paying jobs for Nevadans and should provide a fair transition for workers displaced by changes in the market.

●      Oversight – A restructured energy market must ensure that energy providers and energy distributors are adequately regulated to prevent market manipulation, price gouging and other unintended consequences. Nevadans must have a clear place to get information, file complaints and have problems remedied.

Click here to sign the petition, asking the Governor's Committee on Energy Choice to make these policies mandatory for Nevada's new energy market.

Note: the Sierra Club has not yet decided whether we will support the Energy Choice Initiative. It depends, partly, on whether the Governor's Committee on Energy Choice implements these principles. Stay tuned for details.