The Great Basin Group has a GREAT Holiday Party

Cathy wins the coveted Tin Cup award!

No wonder our Great Basin Group has “Great” in our name!  Members and friends threw a GREAT holiday party with GREAT food, GREAT “Get Kids Outdoors” giving, and GREAT help with set up and clean up.  Sorry for the not-great quality photos, but they show us enjoying a GREAT time and Cathy Schmidt being honored by David VonSeggern with the “Tin Cup” award for her years of GREAT service on our GBG ExCom, on volunteer projects, and on recent activism initiatives.  Thank you, Cathy!  And thank you ExCom members for organizing and for all who realize “it takes a village” and eagerly pitched in for a fun event and donated over $300 for our “Get Kids Outdoors” fund at our annual Giving Tree.

Revelers at the Great Basin Group holiday party

Children with rare opportunities to connect with our natural world get off the pavement and into the forest, out on the lake, and in the snow with support from our “Get Kids Outdoors” grants.  Teachers at schools with a high percentage of children in living poverty apply for our GKO grants and get help for outings and field studies where children learn environmental science, the importance of “Leave No Trace”, and the difference they can make in our world.  

An enthusiastic thank you note from a child whose class attended a 4-day science camp at Lake Tahoe with Great Basin Outdoor School this year with help from our GKO fund said “Dear GKO,  I would like to thank you for this amazing experience.  I had so much fun.  I am so glad I got to go on this trip and I wouldn’t have been able to if it weren’t for you.  THANKS!”  It’s never too late to make donations via checks to “Great Basin Group Sierra Club” with “GKO” noted at the bottom.  Please mail your donations to Great Basin Group, Sierra Club, P.O. Box 8096, Reno, NV 89507.