A New Office for Sierra Club in Las Vegas

SC staff and volunteers celebrating our new office in Las Vegas

Celebrating our new office are (left to right) Christian Gerlach with Our Wild America; Taj Ainley, Chair of the Southern Nevada Group; Ana Boyd, Organizing Apprentice with Beyond Coal Campaign; City Councilman Ricky Barlow; Beyond Coal Organizer Eymhy Corpus; and Elspeth DiMarzio, Regional Campaign Representative with Beyond Coal Campaign.

With our Las Vegas Sierra Club staff doubling since May, it was time for a bigger venue! We are now located across from the Springs Preserve in the heart of Congressional District 1, and are excited to start a new phase of our work in Las Vegas from a space that will allow us to host more events as we work to fight for Nevada’s environment and more clean, renewable energy. 

Visit us: 3828 Meadows Lane, Las Vegas, NV 89107 

Contact us: (702) 732-7750

On August 24th, we hosted our official office opening party to celebrate our move with community members. From new partners to long-time members and volunteers, it was great to come together, have fun, and discuss important environmental issues. Representatives from the Beyond Coal Campaign, Our Wild America, and the Southern Nevada Group spoke about the Sierra Club’s work and community opportunities to support efforts to protect our public lands and combat climate change.

The Sierra Club is excited to continue working with elected officials to protect our environment. At the event, we were joined by Councilman Ricki Barlow, State Senator Yvanna Cancela, Lisa Levine from the Congresswoman Dina Titus’s office, John Taing from Congressman Ruben Kihuen’s office, and Anne Kilponen of Mayor Pro Tem Lois Tarkanian’s office. Our office also received letters of welcome and recognition from Councilman Barlow, Congressman Kihuen, and Mayor Pro Tem Tarkanian on behalf of the entire Las Vegas City Council and a letter of special commendation from Congresswoman Titus. 

We really appreciate your support and look forward to working together to solve Nevada’s most pressing environmental issues. This is one of many events that we are looking forward to hosting in our new office. Like our Sierra Club - Southern Nevada Group and the Nevada Beyond Coal Campaign Facebook pages to learn about our upcoming events!  

-Ana Boyd