Support Reno's Better Building Challenge Today

Thanks to Tom Polikalas at the Southwest Energy Efficiency Project (SWEEP), for this alert.

The Reno City Council will vote on its Better Buildings Challenge Resolution this Wednesday between 3-5:00 PM. This resolution is Item H.5 on their agenda:

"H.5 Staff Report (For Possible Action): Resolution No. ________ Resolution of the Reno City Council to launch a Better Buildings Challenge, a national, voluntary leadership initiative of the U.S. Department of Energy designed to create American jobs through energy efficiency; together with other matters properly relating thereto."
As noted, the Better Buildings Challenge is a voluntary initiative promoted by the U.S. Dept. of Energy and its partners that works toward saving 20% of a commercial buildings energy use through cost-effective energy retrofits and better technologies. Jobs are created in retrofitting buildings and installing more energy efficient equipement. By reducing energy waste, our economy will also benefit as money saved on energy bills is spent on other local goods and services. This PDF provides more details.
The City of Reno has made it very easy to make comments online at this link: 
Please take time to submit support for the Better Buildings Challenge Resolution online. If you're able, please also attend the City Council's meeting starting at noon Wednesday to speak on behalf of the Resolution during your three minutes of public comments at the beginning of the meeting. You'll be able to tell your kids, "I was there. I helped make things better."
If you'd like to learn more about SWEEP and all the great work they do, check them out online at