Letter to the Editor: Act Aggressively on Climate Change

We couldn't agree more with the message in today's LTE that appears in the Reno Gazette-Journal (rgj.com) by Linda Gillaspy who writes in part:

"...Our children's future depends on how quickly we transition to renewable energy. The luxury of acting slowly has passed and we must act aggressivelyCitizens should become involved, pay attention to how your officials vote and hold them accountable. Become familiar with the State of Nevada Legislature page (leg.state.nv.us) and support the "green" bills. If you would like to get involved there are several groups in the Reno area: Sierra Club, PoweredbySunshine.org, PLAN and Citizens Climate Lobby. ..."

And note that these groups are found in Las Vegas as well as other Nevada towns and in the eastern Sierra of California. - Dennis