Go climb a mountain this summer!

As spring approaches, more peaks are snow-free which increases opportunities to work on the Great Basin Peaks list. Who will be out hiking in the great basin this season? The following members have provided their peak numbers to show their current progress:


  • Robert Stolting  9
  • Niki Houghton 13
  • Mitch and Janice Brown-Silveira  21
  • Laura Newman 22
  • Kathy Rich 23
  • Marge Sill   24
  • Daniel Baxter  24
  • James Barlow  29
  • Bob Michael 35
  • Larry Grant  68
  • Bob Morrill  35 
  • James Morehouse 36
  • Al Sandorff 36
  • Tobi Tyler 46
  • Howard Steidtmann  49
  • Dave Porter  54 
  • Randy McNatt  59
  • Charlie Winger  66
  • Mary Brooks 66
  • Daryn Dodge  67
  • Ken Jones  75
  • Sharon Marie Wilcox   81
  • Larry Dwyer  92
  • John Ide 114


Looks like a new list finish is on the horizon! We’ll check back as autumn ends to see everyone’s progress, plus add others that decide to share their peaks.


We now have a page on Facebook.  Please add pictures or reports from your trips to share with other hikers.


Join the GBPS! For details on membership, recognition categories, peak list, and trip reports check out Great Basin Peaks Section at: 

