Keep the Power On: Energy Solutions That Put Texans First

Texans have a fundamental right to clean, reliable, affordable electricity. Regardless of race, political party, or region, we recognize that growing demand and extreme weather are stressing the state’s main electric grid, run by ERCOT, and it’s stressing us all out. Even as power outages become more frequent and long-lasting, we see energy corporations’ profits rise.

Energy Conservation Should Benefit Texans, Not Just Wealthy Corporations

Wealthy fossil fuel corporations and the Texas politicians they’ve paid for (*cough* Governor Abbott *cough*) want us to believe that building more gas plants and keeping dirty coal plants open will solve our electric grid problems. But we know it’s foolish to try to “solve” an electricity crisis with more of the same climate-warming fossil fuels that are causing us to use all this AC in the first place.

Did you know that Greg Abbott has received over $26 million in campaign contributions from the oil and gas industry over the course of his career? Meanwhile, he’s spent years undermining policies that support solar and wind - Texas’s fastest-growing industries. With friends like these, who needs affordable energy? 

In fact, in 2021, when millions of Texans lost power during Winter Storm Uri, Governor Abbott went on TV blaming wind energy for the blackouts - even though ERCOT data showed that gas plants were the biggest culprits. Turns out, blaming renewables for everything doesn’t keep the the power on.

Tell Greg Abbott how you feel: Sign our petition.

The Future of Energy in Texas: Solutions that Work

Texas has the technology and the economic momentum to make our energy grid more resilient to extreme weather. Texas can switch from dirty, expensive fossil fuels to reliable, affordable, clean sources of energy that create family-supporting jobs and slow the damage to our climate.

We have the power to hold corporations and politicians accountable and make real, lasting change. Now all we need is enough people speaking up to give our leaders the political will to make these changes.

Texans deserve better. Join us and let’s organize to keep the pressure on to keep the power on.

Solutions to Strengthen the Electric Grid

The Sierra Club Lone Star Chapter knows that solutions to strengthening the grid need to do three things: stabilize the grid, not pollute, and keep bills as low as possible for hardworking, everyday Texans.

The following solutions can achieve all three goals, and do not require major technical overhauls of our electricity system. We just need our state’s decision makers like Governor Abbott, his appointees at ERCOT and the Public Utilities Commission, and private utilities like Centerpoint, AEP and Oncor to act:

  • Invest in a modern electric grid
  • Pay Texans the same way wealthy corporations are paid to use less electricity when energy conservation calls are made
  • Increase investments in energy savings programs
  • Remove anti-renewable energy policies
  • Responsibly transition away from climate-polluting power plants


Ready to join the fight? Start by signing our petition to keep the power on.



Keep the Power On Partners & Allies

Building a resilient and sustainable energy grid takes collaboration. We are proud to partner with organizations that share our vision for a cleaner and fairer Texas. Their expertise, resources, and shared commitment help us create lasting change. Want to see your organization's logo here? Fill out this form!

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