Bay Area Online Bay Area Monthly Meeting: Election Integrity and the Security of Electronic Voting

The March meeting will be conducted via Zoom.
(no in-person meeting)
Starts 6:30 pm for social time; 7:00 pm for program.
Here is the link for the meeting on Zoom:

March Program: Election Integrity & the Security of Electronic Voting Systems
Speaker: Dan Wallach, Baker Institute of Public Policy, Rice University

Dan Wallach is a professor in the systems group at Rice University's Department of Computer Science, and he manages Rice's computer security lab. His research interests include mobile code, wireless and smartphone security, and the security of electronic voting systems.

Rice Computer Security Lab:

Dan Wallach, homepage at Dept. of Computer Science, Rice University

Bay Area meetings are on 3rd Wednesday of the month, and start at 6:30pm for social hour; speaker and discussion from 7-8:30 pm.