Welcome Comms Intern Samira Alam!

Woman smiles by window looking out at New York City skyline.

Hi y’all! 

My name is Samira Alam, and I’m the communications intern for the Sierra Club Lone Star Chapter. 

I was 7 years old when I started my climate activism. After reading a picture book about Bengal tigers, I was heartbroken knowing that they were on the verge of extinction. So, I did as any empowered 7 year old would do: I made a petition on a single sheet of wide ruled paper, collected 100 signatures around school, and sent it to the prime minister of Bangladesh – urging her to do something to save Bengal tigers. 

Fast forward to now, I recently graduated from Baylor University where I studied biology, completed the pre-med track, and was very civically engaged by leading progressive initiatives, such as the Baylor Chapter of Texas Rising. I am currently in a gap year doing sociological research, working this wonderful internship, and studying for the MCAT. I plan to apply to medical school as I’m aspiring to become a physician-policymaker who educates people and travels the world. 

Throughout my life and my time as a student leader, I’ve had a strong interest in how our physical and social environments impact our health. This has led to my passion for climate justice, social justice, and human rights. To express my desire for a better world, I have embraced the importance of communications and education. With this internship, I hope to become an impactful speaker and educator who can craft insightful narratives that will ultimately uplift collective consciousness and inspire others to take action. 

I am very excited to be a part of what the Lone Star Chapter has in store for the future!