Welcome to the Team, Agripina Gomez!

Agripina Gomez

Please join us in welcoming, Agripina Gomez, who joins the Lone Star Chapter as our new Clean Energy Organizer! During her first week here, she connected with Dave Cortez to share her story and why organizing for climate justice and clean energy in the Rio Grande Valley is so important.

Welcome to the Sierra Club, Agripina! As our newest addition to Team Texas, can you tell our members and supporters a little about yourself? 

I have lived in the Rio Grande Valley for 21 years. I was born in Tampico, Tamaulipas, Mexico, and raised in the frontera in Matamoros and Port Isabel. I proudly call the two places home. I am a DACA recipient, a licensed vocational nurse, and have organized alongside other organizations on issues like immigration, and infrastructure for street lights, drainage, and roads in the colonias in Cameron County.. 

As our Clean Energy Organizer, you have a solid understanding and appreciation for the communities where you work. Can you tell readers a little more about what makes the RGV special?

The Rio Grande Valley is my wonderful, warm home. It is a place where our culture blends in together, filled with people with wonderful talents and full of dreams. It is a place where families, vecinos and amigos come together when there is a need in the community. And although everyone here welcomes you with an open heart, our community has been militarized and underserved with resources.

What made you want to be an organizer? 

The Rio Grande Valley is a sacred place that we must protect. Growing up I always wanted to do something meaningful with my life. In organizing and fighting for my rights I found my voice that I thought I never had. Whether it is saving lives on the frontline or organizing in my community, I feel it is my life’s mission on this planet to leave the world a little better for our generations to come. My drive for this work are my 2 children and my parents, I want to make them proud. I want my children to enjoy their lifetime on this planet with clean air and water, and enjoy the beauty in our planet without worrying about crossing borders, or policies that affect their lives.  

I want to help my community and keep building that bridge to support them with the information that I learn about energy bills and environmental justice, just like I did as a nurse. Having access to the right information, in your own language, means you get better care, better services, and better support for your community. I want to fill that gap where my community is not being served.

To connect with Agripina, send her an email to agripina.gomez@sierraclub.org, or DM us on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter and we'll put you in touch!