Texas Water Photo Challenge 2022

Family fishing in the bay from a boat

The Sierra Club Lone Star Chapter wants to share the wonder of Texas waters as seen through your eyes!

To participate in our first water photo challenge, send us your shots of Texas’ lakes, rivers, streams, creeks, reservoirs, and coastal bays, wetlands, and estuaries. Either post the photo to Instagram, Facebook or Twitter – and tag and follow us @texassierraclub and include #TexasWaterWonder – or email your photos to lonestar.chapter@sierraclub.org. If you’re feeling inspired, tell us why you’ve chosen this photo and what Texas waters mean to you!

Help us feel the wonder that you experience through Texas waters – whether it’s how you cool off, how you take it easy on the weekend, or how you reconnect with nature. We want to see the water bodies that speak to you and are so important to our communities and our wildlife. Or, maybe, you feel compelled to share a photo of a body of water that has been special to you but is now threatened by pollution – a place you want to see protected. Your photo could be featured on our social channels and website and in upcoming Sierra Club Lone Star projects!

We welcome submissions of all levels – from professional shots on an SLR to amateur pics snapped on an iPhone. The only requirement is that the photo is an image of a water body in the Lone Star State and that you took it! You have until June 1 to submit!