We're Hiring! Lone Star Chapter seeks new Chapter Director and Water Resources Specialist

We are hiring Image


It has taken a little while to get there, but we made it!Thanks to fundraising efforts, our staff and executive committee have taken the plunge and are opening two new staff positions. 

First, after 18 months without one, we are ready to hire a permanent chapter director! Our Conservation Director Cyrus Reed has been serving as interim director for the last year and a half, but with elections and then a legislative session fast approaching, we are in need of more permanent leadership. We are seeking an individual who is interested in continuing to grow our work for sustainability, environmental justice, and a more equitable society. The ideal director would help us establish good partnership with other environmental and social justice organizations, and help us continue to raise money and expand our reach in Texas. We will keep the application process open for at least a month, with the aim of getting a great person in by October 1st, or before if possible. To apply, see here

Second, after a couple of years without a dedicated water staff, we are advertising for a Water Resources Specialist and Program Coordinator. They’ll have a huge role in this organization. This person would continue to work with our partners at the Texas Living Waters Project and also expand our work into water quality issues. We need someone to help get our state to actually enforce environmental regulations, develop good 2021 Water Quality Standards for our rivers and streams, prevent overly toxic wastewater discharges from industry, and take on the oil and gas industry’s plans to dump their fracked wastewater in our streams and rivers. It’s a big job, and it will entail both detailed policy work, but also grassroots partnerships with our members and other organizations and communities. We will keep this position open for applications for about a month, with a potential start date of October 1st, or hopefully sooner! To apply, see here.