Opposition Remains as FERC Releases Environmental Review of Proposed Annova LNG Fracked Gas Export Terminal

Save RGV from LNG protest

Today, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) released the final environmental impact statement (EIS) for the proposed Annova LNG fracked gas export terminal. Annova LNG is one of three fracked gas export terminals proposed for the Rio Grande Valley, none of which have been approved.

The cumulative impacts of these three proposed projects could be devastating for local communities and industries like eco-tourism and shrimping that are dependent on a pristine coastline free from industrial pollution. If built, Annova LNG would destroy wetlands, as well as block a wildlife corridor and threaten the survival of the endangered ocelot population and other local wildlife.

In the EIS, FERC recognizes that the project will have wide-ranging adverse environmental impacts. FERC attempts to downplay them by arguing that they will be mitigated or insignificant, despite the fact that the details of what that mitigation would entail and how well it would work are still in development.

“Texans from across the state have spoken out countless times in opposition to Annova LNG and the other fracked gas projects proposed for our community,” said Sierra Club Brownsville Organizer Rebekah Hinojosa. “We shouldn’t have to sacrifice our health, our pristine coastline, our ecotourism industry, and our diverse wildlife, all so that fossil fuel companies can export more fracked gas overseas.”

“The community has made it clear that we don’t want Annova LNG or any LNG terminals polluting our home. The school district rejected a tax abatement for Annova LNG and residents have voiced their opposition by sending thousands of comments to regulators,” said Marta Pena, with the Save RGV from LNG coalition. “FERC should side with our community and deny the permits for Annova LNG and the other LNG projects.”

The EIS is not a final approval of the project, which has yet to receive permits or approvals needed from the Army Corps of Engineers, Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of Energy, FERC, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, and several other agencies. It is unclear when these agencies will make their decisions. Annova had previously proposed to start construction in 2018.

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