Legislative Update: Clock Is Ticking...

It's crunch time. Rather than write it all out, we thought we'd record another video for you to update you on what's going on in the Texas Legislature.

Important bills covered:
SB 1446 (storage tank standards)
HB 4080 (building codes for counties)
HB 3557 (anti-protestor bill)
HB 3114 (removing independent judges from contested case hearings)
HB 2771/SB 1565 (frack wastewater in our rivers)


If you don't have your State Senator's number in your smart phone, here's a link where you can find it so you can tell them you want them to push for SB 1446 (storage tank standards).

Also, here's a link to the House Calendars Committee so you can tell them to put the brakes on HB 3557 (anti-protestor bill) and HB 3114 (removing independent judges from contested case hearings)!

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