Attention Sierra Club Members in Texas: ExCom Elections Are Underway!


Did you know that, as a dues-paying member of the Sierra Club, you have a say in how our organization is governed? The Sierra Club elects its leaders, and in the case of local Sierra Club chapters and groups, our governing bodies are called Executive Committees. "ExComs" are groups of volunteer leaders who organize and comprise the many committees (Conservation, Political, Finance, etc.) that help guide the Lone Star Chapter and regional groups, and deal with important strategic and administrative decisions that allow us to achieve our objectives.

Voting for the Lone Star Chapter Executive Committee, as well as the Executive Committees of the Austin, Alamo, Golden Triangle, Greater Fort Worth, and Houston Regional Groups, is underway! The last day to vote is Dec. 31, 2018.

What's different this year? We're trying something new this year to encourage more participation in local ExCom elections. The Lone Star Chapter has partnered with the Austin, Alamo, Golden Triangle, Greater Fort Worth, and Houston Regional Groups to make both the Chapter and Group ballots on one page! If you live in these areas, just click on the links below to vote in both Chapter and Group ExCom elections!

Lone Star Chapter + Austin Regional Group Ballot

Lone Star Chapter + Alamo Regional Group Ballot

Lone Star Chapter + Golden Triangle Regional Group Ballot

Lone Star Chapter + Greater Fort Worth Regional Group Ballot

Lone Star Chapter + Houston Regional Group Ballot

If you don't live in these areas, below is the link to our Chapter ExCom ballot. 

Lone Star Chapter Only Ballot

Remember, you will need your Sierra Club Member ID to vote. If we have a valid email on file for you, this number was sent in an email to you on Dec. 1, 2018. If we don't, you should have received either an automated phone call or postcard in the mail. Check the postcard for your Member ID. If you received a phone call, or if this is the first time you're learning about these elections, there are two ways to get your member ID. 

  1. Call the Lone Star Chapter office during normal business hours at 512-477-1729.
  2. Check the label on your Sierra Magazine and follow these instructions.

Don't see your regional group here? No worries! The Big Bend, Coastal Bend, Dallas, and Lower Rio Grande Valley Regional Groups will hold their own separate elections, so be on the lookout for notices on those local ExCom elections!

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