#BreakTheFracking Cycle Social Media Toolkit: Help Amplify International Demonstrations

Partner organizations:  Sierra Club; Friends of the Earth France; Rainforest Action Network; Save RGV from LNG; Not Here, Not Anywhere; Carrizo Comecrudo Tribe of Texas; UKYCC; Gastivists

Break The Fracking Cycle
Fracking in the Eagle Ford Shale poisons the air and water in rural Texas. Pipelines cut across ranches and communities, and proposed export facilities near South Padre Island threaten the state’s last clean beaches and bays.

For what? So foreign banks in France and fossil fuel companies in Texas can make more profits by selling fracked gas to countries like Ireland.

An international coalition of US and European activists has formed to call attention to how the fracking industry in Texas has global consequences.

From Friday, April 27 to Tuesday, May 1, activists in Texas, New York City, France, Germany, and Ireland will host #BreakTheFrackingCycle demonstrations. Each day of action will correspond to a different phase in the fracked gas cycle for the proposed Rio Grande LNG terminal and the Rio Bravo Pipeline.

No matter where you live, YOU can help amplify these international actions by spreading awareness about the fracked gas cycle.

Please share these sample social media posts (or feel free to craft your own!) during the #BreakTheFrackingCycle week of action Friday, April 27 - Monday, May 1.

Additionally, follow @TexasSierraClub and https://www.facebook.com/TexasSierraClub/ for live streaming updates and daily information about the frack cycle.

Friday, April 27: Business
Demonstration: NextDecade Office in Woodlands, Texa
Target: NextDecade, the company proposing Rio Grande LNG and the Rio Bravo Pipeline


Sample Tweet #1:


If NextDecade gets its way, South Texas communities will be sacrificed for the profit of this Houston-based fossil fuel company.

@FERC, I demand you #BreakTheFrackingCycle & #StopRioGrandeLNG by denying proposed permits for #frackedgas infrastructure: https://sc.org/2vNtURs

Sample Tweet #2:


Proposed fracked gas export facilities threaten South Texas’ #SouthPadreIsland, for the gain of Houston-based fossil fuel company NextDecade.

I just signed a pledge to #BreakTheFrackingCycle & defend SPI: https://sc.org/2HoDyiF

Sample FB Post #1:


If NextDecade gets its way, the environment in South Texas (proposed to export LNG) and Ireland (proposed to import LNG) will be sacrificed for the profit of the Houston-based fossil fuel company.

@FERC.gov, I demand you #BreakTheFrackingCycle & #StopRioGrandeLNG by denying all proposed permits for fracked gas pipelines & exports: https://sc.org/2vNtURs

Sample FB Post #2:

LNG Tankers

Fossil fuel companies like #NextDecade are trying to sell Rio Grande Valley residents on the claim that liquified natural gas (LNG) export terminals will help the local economy. But if constructed, they would pollute South Texas communities, offer few lasting local jobs, ask for tax cuts, and jeopardize local ecotourism businesses that depend on unindustrialized beaches and bays, for fracked gas to be sent overseas.

I just signed a pledge to #BreakTheFrackingCycle & defend Texas’ last remaining clean beaches & bays: https://sc.org/2HoDyiF

Design Credit: Miguel Mendo

Saturday, April 28: Extraction
Demonstration at Eagle Ford Shale, Texas
Target(s): TCEQ, Railroad Commission


Sample Tweet #1:


Fracking for “natural” gas in the Eagle Ford Shale poisons the air & water of rural Texas communities, while state agencies @TCEQnews & @txrrc fail to do their jobs.

@FERC, I demand you #StopRioGrandeLNG & protect #SouthTexas communities: https://sc.org/2vNtURs

Sample Tweet #2:

Eagle Ford Shale

Fracked gas from the Eagle Ford Shale, which pollutes the air & water of rural Texas communities, would be shipped overseas if proposed LNG terminals are built near #SouthPadreIsland.

I just signed a pledge to #BreakTheFrackingCycle & #StopRioGrandeLNG: https://sc.org/2HoDyiF

Sample FB Post #1:


“Natural” gas is not a clean energy alternative. Gas fracking in the Eagle Ford Shale poisons the air and water of rural Texas communities, while state agencies @TCEQnews and @txrrc fail to do their respective missions of protecting people and the environment by regulating the state’s fossil fuel industries.

@FERC.gov, I demand you #BreakTheFrackingCycle and #StopRioGrandeLNG by denying proposed permits for fracked gas pipelines & exports: https://sc.org/2vNtURs

Sample FB Post #2:

Eagle Ford Shale

The fracked gas cycle in Texas is a public health crisis. Hundreds of frack wells in the Eagle Ford Shale in South Texas pump toxic chemicals into the ground, contaminating aquifers while ozone and methane pollution dirties Texas air.

But this fracking cycle isn’t “complete” yet. It’s missing the proposed export terminals near #SouthPadreIsland, which haven’t been built yet. Join me in signing a pledge to #BreakTheFrackingCycle & defend South Texas and SPI: https://sc.org/2HoDyiF


Sunday, April 29: Transmission & Export

Demonstrations in Rio Grande Valley
Target: Enbridge (Valley Crossing pipeline),
Rio Grande LNG (Rio Bravo pipeline & LNG export terminal)


Sample Tweet #1:

Rio Bravo

Proposed fracked gas pipelines like @Enbridge’s Valley Crossing Pipeline & Rio Grande LNG’s Rio Bravo Pipeline put Texas communities at risk of leaks & explosions.

@FERC, #BreakTheFrackingCycle & #StopRioGrandeLNG by denying LNG pipeline permits: https://sc.org/2vNtURs

Sample Tweet #2:


South Texas is not a sacrifice zone! Over 1,800 Texans have already submitted comments to @TCEQnews to #StopRioGrandeLNG from building dangerous fracked gas export terminals. #SaveRGVfromLNG

Join me in signing a Pledge to Defend #SouthPadreIsland & #BreakTheFrackingCycle: https://sc.org/2HoDyiF


Sample FB Post #1:

No Pipeline

Proposed fracked gas pipelines like @Enbridge’s Valley Crossing Pipeline & Rio Grande LNG’s Rio Bravo pipeline put nearby Texas communities at risk of leaks and explosions.

Join me in demanding that @FERC.gov #BreakTheFrackingCycle and protect #SouthTexas communities by denying permits for fracked gas pipelines: https://sc.org/2vNtURs

Sample FB Post #2:


South Texas is not a sacrifice zone! Over 1,800 Texans have already submitted comments to @TCEQnews to #StopRioGrandeLNG from building dangerous export terminals near South Padre Island. 

Join me in my Pledge to Defend #SouthPadreIsland and #BreakTheFrackingCycle: https://sc.org/2HoDyiF


Monday, April 30: Financing & End Product

Demonstrations in Paris, France & Bonn, Germany (Climate Change Conference)
+ Société Générale in NYC
Target: Société Générale


Sample Tweet #1:

Don't Bank on LNG

Last year, France’s largest bank @BNPParibas announced it would stop supporting fracked gas projects and companies. Today, @SociétéGénérale is the leading global banker of North American LNG.

It’s their turn now to #StopRioGrandeLNG & #BreakTheFrackingCycle!


Sample Tweet #2:


Fracked gas, a transition energy? This is the message being spread by those financing this dirty energy. Because there is no such thing as a clean fossil fuel, we call upon @SocieteGenerale to stop banking on climate change! #BreakTheFrackingCycle #StopRioGrandeLNG


Sample FB Post #1:

Don't Bank On LNG

When there’s enough public pressure, bank divestment from dirty fossil fuel projects works.

Last year, Europe’s second largest bank and France’s largest bank @BNPParibas announced it would stop supporting fracked gas projects and companies.

Today, @SociétéGénérale is the leading global banker of North American LNG and is playing a key role in the monumental Rio Grande LNG project in Texas. It’s time for them to follow BNP’s lead to #BreakTheFrackingCycle and #StopRioGrandeLNG.


Sample FB Post #2:


Fracked gas, a transition energy?

Of course not, but this is the message being spread by those financing this dirty energy. Because there is no such thing as a clean fossil fuel, we call upon @SocieteGenerale to stop banking on climate change!

#BreakTheFrackingCycle #StopRioGrandeLNG


Tuesday, May 1: Import
Demonstration in Dublin, Ireland


Sample Tweet #1:

Not Here Not Anywhere

Ireland is proposed to receive imports of Texas #frackedgas, even though it has a national ban on fracking.

Irish grassroots group @NHNAireland stands in solidarity with @SaveRGVfromLNG in calling out this hypocrisy, and so do I. #BreakTheFrackingCycle #StopRioGrandeLNG

Sample Tweet #2:

Defend South Padre

How will LNG “help” Rio Grande Valley communities when fracking hurts #SouthTexas, proposed LNG terminals will pollute #SouthPadreIsland & the fracked gas will be shipped overseas to Ireland?

It’s time we connect the dots & #BreakTheFrackingCycle.


Sample FB Post #1:

Not Here Not Anywhere

Ireland is set to receive imports of Texas fracked gas, even though it has a national ban on fracking in its own country. That says something.

Irish grassroots group @notherenotanywhereIRL stands in solidarity with Texas activists @SaveRGVfromLNG in calling out this hypocrisy, and so do I.

#BreakTheFrackingCycle #StopRioGrandeLNG

Sample FB Post #2:


Defend South Padre

Fracking hurts South Texas, proposed export terminals will harm South Padre Island… all for fracked gas to be shipped overseas to Ireland? And we’re supposed to believe this is helping Rio Grande Valley communities?

No way.

It’s time we connect the dots and #BreakTheFrackingCycle: https://sc.org/2HoDyiF