Welcome Madison, Courtney, And Nina - Our New Communications Interns!

The Sierra Club's Lone Star Chapter welcomes our newest communications interns, Madison Holloway, Courtney Naquin, and Nina Faidley. Madison, Courtney, and Nina will be writing original content for our website, supporting our social media platforms, and lead media monitoring, among other duties. We feel humbled and blessed that this roster of talented and passionate people sought us out to make a difference. If you are interested in an internship with us, please see our volunteer and internship page and send us your application!


Madison Holloway is a Geography and Journalism major at the University of Texas at Austin. She is originally from Corpus Christi, and her time spent on the coast has inspired her interest in environmentalism and conservation work. Madison has spent past summers working in the British Virgin Islands as an assistant scuba instructor, while also teaching students about sustainability and marine science. She hopes to one day write as an environmental journalist or to assist in campaigns to conserve ocean resources.


Courtney Naquin is a senior studying Sustainability Studies and Asian Cultures and Languages at the University of Texas at Austin. She is a third year student of The Hindi Urdu Flagship, and will be spending an academic year abroad in northern India from Fall 2017-Spring 2018. She is also interning with Austin's local nonprofit, Save Our Springs, and is a contributing writer for Austin Chronicle. She is passionate about socioeconomic and environmental justice and hopes to be involved in international non-profit work after college. In her downtime, you can find her hanging around at comedy shows or taking a dip at Barton Springs, eating large amounts of dosa masala, or sorting recycling and compost out of garbage. 


Nina Faidley is a rising sophomore at Hendrix College in Conway, Arkansas. Born and raised in Austin, Nina is glad to be back in her hometown for the summer working as an intern at the Sierra Club’s Lone Star Chapter. She is interested in environmental policy and how it affects the legislature. This has also helped to spark her interest in entrepreneurship, social justice, humanities, and environmental conservation. In the future, she hopes to work for a humanitarian or environmental nonprofit. In her free time, she likes to swim and be outdoors. By working at the Sierra Club’s Lone Star Chapter, Nina hopes to gain valuable experience for her future field.