Why Is Sarah Davis Holding Up A Reform Bill With Bi-Partisan Support?

State Rep. Sarah Davis

Is your State Representative Sarah Davis (click here to find out)? If so, can you give her a call today? She is holding up a much-needed Railroad Commission reform bill from passing out of her committee.

Please take five minutes today and call her Capitol office at 512-463-0389.

The bill, HB 464, would prevent members of the Railroad Commission (the oil and gas regulatory authority in Texas) from taking campaign contributions from individuals who have certain matters pending before the commission. This is a commonsense ethics provision and should be uncontroversial, but Rep. Davis has not brought this bill up for a vote in her committee, even though it has the votes to pass.

This is irresponsible. Ethics bills with the support of the committee should be voted out of the committee.

If you are her constituent, please take five minutes today and call her Capitol office at 512-463-0389.

Here’s what you can say:

Hi, my name is ______ and I live in Representative Davis’ district. I urge her to bring up HB 464 for a vote in the House General Investigating and Ethics Committee. This bill would prevent members of the Railroad Commission from taking campaign contributions from individuals who have certain matters pending before the commission. As Chair, she should not hold up common sense reform bills that have the votes to pass. Thank you.