TAKE ACTION - Don't Let Them Frack With Our Water!

Fracking rig - Daniel Foster

Photo: Daniel Foster (Flickr)

The Sierra Club has partnered with the Center for Biological Diversity to protest the Bureau of Land Management’s plan to auction off thousands of acres in Texas for oil and gas drilling and development. Our concerns are that fracking on the proposed sites would endanger the drinking water supplies for Corpus Christi and Brenham, Texas. Fracking activity would also increase the risk of earthquake activity near and around the proposed sites, putting already outdated infrastructure at a greater risk of failure. Allowing new oil and gas development and drilling would also require new infrastructure, which would further degrade and fragment wildlife habitat.

2017 Proposed BLM Oil and Gas Leases Map

The Center for Biological Diversity invites you to take action to tell officials that you DO NOT want oil and gas development or drilling in these areas. Send a letter to BLM, Army Corps of Engineers, and the Bureau of Reclamation. Protests over similar leases in 2016 forced the BLM to remove those leases from the auction, so we know they are listening. Your voice can make a difference in preventing further destruction of our environment!