Welcome Our Newest Communications Intern, Orlando Hernandez!

The Sierra Club's Lone Star Chapter welcomes our newest intern, Orlando Hernandez. Orlando will be working on growing our Instagram following (@TexasSierraClub), assisting with video production, and writing original content for our website, among other duties. We have been very lucky so far this year to have great talented people seek us out to make a difference. If you are interested in an internship with us, please see our volunteer and internship page and send us your application!

Orlando Hernandez 

Orlando Hernandez

Orlando Hernandez is currently a junior International Relations major with a minor in Latino Media Studies at the University of Texas at Austin. Orlando is a native from the Rio Grande Valley, which has influenced his interests in environmental advocacy, gentrification, socioeconomic justice, and civil rights issues. He has served as a social media officer and promoter for the Texas Electronic Music Club at UT Austin and the event promotion twitter page @AustinTexasEDM. In his (virtually non existent) spare time you can catch him performing in musical productions on campus, Austin, and the Rio Grande Valley. Orlando is very excited to work with the Sierra Club's Lone Star Chapter and hopes to make valuable contributions to the protection and preservation of our environment.