Lone Star Chapter Awards Call For Nominations!


Know someone who did outstanding work last year worthy of recognition? Let's recognize them! Each year, we take some time to look back at the previous year and recognize the great work of inspiring environmental activists and innovators from around our state with awards to show our appreciation.

Nominate that awesome person who does awesome things here.

Our award categories inspire nominations to honor not only Sierra Club volunteers and staff, but also other individuals and organizations who have done so much to defend, improve, and celebrate the Texas environment.

The Awards Committee seeks your assistance in selecting those individuals or groups who in the previous year, on the local/Group or state/Chapter level, have excelled in some conservation, outings, administrative, or media capacity and deserve special recognition.

Some awards are specifically for Sierra Club people and work, but check out the full list – we are proud of environmentalists of all stripes. The chapter environmental awards are presented at a special event each year.

In 2017, we will honor award recipients for work in 2016 at a special banquet Austin (date and location TBD). If you would like to nominate someone for an award, download our nomination form here.

The nomination period will be open until March 15, 2017.

Interested to see who our past award recipients are? Click here!