Lone Star Sierran - January 2017

Director's Message

Marching makes a statement, but action makes a difference.
The Texas Legislature is back and working in lockstep with Congress on behalf of their polluter buddies to dismantle hard earned environmental victories. In 2015, they prohibited local governments from protecting their residents from the dangers of fracking and other oil and gas activities. This year, they are reviewing the misnamed Texas Railroad Commission - the toothless agency charged with standing up to oil and gas interests on behalf of citizens and the environment. So far, it appears the Legislature is unlikely to reform the RRC, leaving a void of much needed oversight. 
We need your help to keep Texas moving into a clean energy future, and to stand up to the dirty industries of yesterday who don't want to compete with smarter cleaner technology. Standing together we can ensure our kids have a brighter tomorrow. Stand with Sierra Club and our allies for a cleaner healthier Texas. You can act by engaging in the Legislative process. Be heard. Write emails. Make calls. Visit your elected officials and show up to legislative hearings.
March and act, together we can make a huge difference.
Reggie James, Director
TPWD Kelcy Warren

Take Action: DAPL Pipeline Billionaire Kelcy Warren Has No Place on Parks and Wildlife Commission

The mission of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission is to manage and conserve the natural and cultural resources of Texas, yet Governor Abbott has appointed oil pipeline billionaire Kelcy Warren, CEO of the notorious Energy Transfer Partners, to the Commission.

Kelcy Warren is the man behind the dangerous Dakota Access pipeline, as well as the destructive Trans-Pecos and Comanche Trail pipelines near Big Bend and the Rio Grande River. How can Parks & Wildlife do its job when Governor Abbott appoints oil and gas giants like Kelcy Warren to the Commission?

Message your State Senator today, and tell them you oppose Kelcy Warren's nomination to the Parks & Wildlife Commission.

Sierra Club Is Growing Stronger! Are You In?

The next four years are going to require all hands on deck and we are proud to be part of the resistance efforts. Not only are more people coming out to march, more are staying on to volunteer, donate, and help bring others along. 

As part of the ongoing efforts, the Beyond Dirty Fuels Initiative of the Sierra Club's Our Wild America Campaign is currently seeking applications for volunteer members of their Strategy Team. This team serves as the high-level, strategic thinking and decision-making body for the Sierra Club's ambitious efforts to keep fossil fuels in the ground and protect our communities and wild places. If you are interested, please fill out and submit this short application form. Completed applications are due by February 7

In our own grand state, we are excited to announce that we are seeking a Clean Energy Conservation Organizer in San Antonio! This organizer will help build a diverse and sustainable movement toward more clean energy and climate action in the San Antonio area by recruiting, mobilizing and organizing leaders, and by working to influence city government, the utility, universities, and others. If this opportunity sounds right for you, apply here.

Terry Hershey

Saying Goodbye To One of Our Own

Terry Hershey, a Houston environmentalist who prevented Buffalo Bayou from being channelized and stripped of its natural beauty, has died. She was 94. Terry spent her life working for clean water, advocating for parks, and inspiring countless others to defend the environment. 

We send our most sincere condolences to her family and loved ones and hope that we honor her memory for many years to come through our work to improve Texas for this generation and future generations.


Legislature Takes On Bathrooms and Budgets

Earlier this month, the Texas Legislature convened for the 85th time and, as always, it seems that we are in for an interesting ride. To kick off the session, Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick, with the help of Sen. Lois Kolkhorst, wasted no time in announcing one of this session's major discriminatory bills that would require people to use the bathroom that correlates with the gender they were born with. 

With significantly less fanfare than the probably unconstitutional "bathroom bill," Texas Comptroller Glenn Hegar released the state budget for the next two years. Arguably more important than regulating people's bathroom use, the Comptroller revealed that Texas has about $3 billion less to spend than was available before the last legislative session.

Read more


Our Newest Water Warrior On the State Legislative Waterfront

The Texas Legislature is not likely to see a flood of water legislation this session; but there will be more than a trickle of water bills. The Lone Star Chapter will be promoting the legislative recommendations of the state Water Conservation Advisory Council, supporting maintenance of funding for water programs in a tight budget session, and working to improve regional & state water planning and groundwater management.  

As always, however, Sierra Club will have to dam up questionable pieces of legislation, like bills to limit public involvement in permitting the use of water in rivers and streams. The water "gridzilla" may resurface and need to be slayed. Fortunately, Sierra Club has an additional resource this session: Legislative & Policy Consultant Chris Mullins will be working at the Capitol with Chapter Water Resources Chair Ken Kramer and Chapter staff to channel water legislation in the right direction. Stay tuned over the next few months for more news and action alerts from the water front. 

Better World 

Join the Cooler, Greener Auto Club 

Flat tire? Again! Better World to the rescue - again!
The Sierra Club is partnering with Better World, an eco-friendly auto club (for bicycles, too) on a mission to protect you, your family, and the planet. For Sierra Club members, the partnership offers a 25% discount for the first year.
Better World also fights the highway lobby for more efficient cars, for bike lanes, and gives 1% of their gross revenue for environmental cleanup and advocacy. They have discounts on hotels and rental cars (including green hotels and EV rental cars). Plus when you sign up with Better World Club, the Sierra Club receives a donation to support our work.

Conserving Water... the SWIFT Way

There have been quite a few stories in the news of cities in Texas and around the country dealing with water issues stemming from old and leaky pipes. While maintaining a safe water distribution system can be a costly endeavor, the Texas Water Development Board has many funding programs that will alleviate some of the financial costs of repairing, replacing, and maintaining our aging water infrastructure. 

SPEER Summit 2017 - Feb 7-8 in Austin

The South-central Partnership for Energy Efficiency as a Resource doesn't just have the coolest acronym in energy efficiency - SPEER - it is also the hub for knowledge and expertise on energy efficiency for utilities and energy providers in Texas and Oklahoma. 

We're a proud supporter of SPEER. Have been since its beginning, and are excited to promote its annual summit in Austin in February.

Find out more


Join A Water Conservation Symposium

Registration is open for two unique and informative water conservation symposia. The Central Texas Symposium is in Austin on February 2 and the Gulf Coast Symposium is in Houston on February 22. Each symposium has a unique agenda designed to assist water utilities and water conservation professionals take their programs to the next level. 
Join us for one or both events to learn about new and unique ways to save water...see you in February! 

Regional Roundup

Briefs from across the Lone Star state.