Volunteer To Make A Difference

By Bruce Melton (Chapter ExCom Member)

Here is a great opportunity to help lead one of the most important Sierra Club Chapters in the nation! Run for our Executive Committee!

The Sierra Club’s Lone Star Chapter is governed by a group of volunteer leaders called the Executive Committee (ExCom for short), who are elected by Sierra Club members. The ExCom organizes the many committees (Conservation, Political, Finance, etc.) that help guide the Chapter and deal with important administrative decisions that allow the Lone Star Chapter to achieve its objectives.

To be seriously considered, nominees should have a demonstrated environmental leadership history. Previous Sierra Club leadership experience would be excellent but is not mandatory, and there are many fabulous environmental leaders around Texas that would qualify. You do need to be an active Sierra Club member.

We also ask that candidates be willing to attend at least three of our four quarterly meetings, that are mostly held in the Austin area, with one "away" meeting every year (This year's away meeting was in Alpine!). We also ask Chapter ExCom members to support the club every year with a $250 donation (either directly or indirectly from you). We do not want to prevent folks from running because of financial issues.

If you or someone you know is interested in being a candidate for Lone Star Chapter ExCom, please send a pitch describing your nominee's qualifications to Bruce Melton at bmelton@earthlink.net (512-799-7998) by November 28.

Accepted candidate profiles will be posted in the Lone Star Sierran's November issue (Nov. 30). (The Nominations Committee is responsible for vetting candidates and our short list goes to Chapter ExCom for approval.)

Voting will be in December and members will receive ballots via email. Questions? Contact me please! Bruce Melton: bmelton@earthlink.net or 512-799-7998.