Resistance to LNG in the Valley Growing

This summer, the resistance to LNG was on fire in the Valley, and no, it wasn’t because of the record breaking high temperatures we experienced.

Teachers, professors, local business owners, doctors, fisherman, retirees, high school and college students made up the Save RGV from LNG campaign. These hardworking members spent their summer ‘16 vacation organizing presentations and letter gathering events to increase community awareness of the hazards of LNG. The events were not only educational, they brought good 956 (our area code) fun to the cause. Valley organizers explained, in English y también en español, the massive industrialization of LNG tankers ships while standing behind tables decorated with LNG protest signs and chewing on yummy elote caked with lucas chili at “La Pulga” in Brownsville, TX.

And the sweaty work paid off. In a short three month span, over 900 comments in opposition and 360 Motions to Intervene were sent to the regulatory commission tasked with ‘rubber stamping’ the three proposed LNG export terminals and 140 mile-long natural gas pipeline.

By no means are we stopping there, our group is growing and so are our goals. We’re ramping up bilingual english and espanol outreach in Brownsville, Port Isabel, South Padre Island, Los Fresnos, and Willacy county.

If built, these LNG export terminals will sacrifice the last clean coastline of Texas and alter our colorful Valley culture forever and we simply will not stand for it.

Stay tuned…