National Sierra Club Honors Two Texas Champions

By Olka Forster

Despite many of our state leaders’ obstinate opposition to accepting the reality of climate change, Texas has produced some incredibly inspirational climate justice heroes. Two of these Lone Star treasures were honored at this year's national Sierra Club Awards. Both individuals have dedicated their lives to educating themselves and the public about the environment and for that we thank them.


Dr. Katharine Hayhoe is one of the winners of the Distinguished Service Award, which honors persons in public service for long-term commitment to conservation. Dr. Hayhoe directs a federally funded climate research center that is based at Texas Tech University and gained an international reputation for her work as a climate scientist. She is also honored for her efforts to persuade fellow evangelical Christians to acknowledge the reality of manmade climate change and help combat it.

Bill Dawson

The David R. Brower Award, which recognizes outstanding environmental reporting or editorial comment that contributes to a better understanding of environmental issues, is going to Bill Dawson of Houston, Texas. Dawson served as the environmental reporter for the Houston Chronicle for 17 years and is the founder of Texas Climate News, an online magazine focusing on climate and sustainability. 

Congratulations to both champions of the Earth and Texas!