The Galveston Bay Water Brigade: Save the Bay with your Pledge

The Texas Living Waters’ partners Sierra Club, Lone Star Chapter, Galveston Bay Foundation and National Wildlife Federation have launched the Galveston Bay Water Brigade, an interactive campaign that calls for individuals, businesses and organizations to take small steps to conserve water for the Bay.

Every drop of water saved helps ensure Galveston Bay receives the freshwater it needs to maintain healthy populations of birds, oysters, fish, shrimp and other wildlife. Taking action has never been easier! Visit and select your water conservation goal. This can include taking shorter showers, reducing your landscape irrigation, repairing toilet leaks, or all of the above!

Helping Galveston Bay and its wildlife is now at the tips of your fingers! Yes, with a simple click and your commitment to conserve water you can help save thousands of animals and preserve our natural heritage for generations to come. Take the Pledge today, Galveston Bay needs you!

Join Our Ranks and become a Brigade Member Today! It’s Free. It’s Easy. It Saves the Bay.

Visit, select your goal and take your pledge!
