We’re Going to Big Bend Again. You In?

Big Bend Service Trip 2015 - Evelyn Merz
Join the intrepid volunteers of the Lone Star Chapter for our third annual habitat restoration service trip to Big Bend National Park. The service trip will begin on Monday morning, October 17, and end on Friday afternoon, October 21. Since Monday will be a full work day, volunteers should arrive no later than Sunday, October 16, to set up camp. Wednesday will be a free day for volunteers to simply enjoy Big Bend (Last year, several people crossed the border at Boquillas on their free day. If you would like to do so, you will need your passport!).

During the last two service trips, our volunteer crew from all parts of Texas cut brush to restore prairie land, planted trees, and returned an abandoned eroded road to habitat. This year, the plan is to remove fencing that impedes wildlife.

These will be full work days and we will be performing manual labor outdoors in a remote location, so you will need to be in reasonably good physical condition. Under Sierra Club guidelines, all participants will be required to sign a liability waiver in order to participate.

There will be no charge for volunteers to camp. Lunch will be provided on workdays as part of the registration fee. Volunteers will be responsible for their own breakfast and dinner. The registration fee is $55 and includes a donation to Big Bend National Park. Please contact Evelyn Merz for more information and to register for the service trip (elmerz@hal-pc.org).