Facts About Texas Water 2nd Edition Published

Facts About Texas Water 2016
By Emily Millar
Many exciting things are happening here at the Sierra Club Lone Star Chapter, including the recent publishing of the 2nd edition of the Facts About Texas Water. This is a continuation of what we published in the 2004 publication and is available in both English and Spanish. Facts About Texas Water is made possible by funding through the Houston Endowment. Their funding supports this and other work of the Texas Living Waters Project - a partnership between the Sierra Club’s Lone Star Chapter, National Wildlife Federation, and Galveston Bay Foundation. 

Facts About Texas Water is geared towards 7th/8th graders, but is a useful resource for all Texans—young and old, urban and rural. It contains a wealth of information about water that will help you understand this important resource and how to use and protect it. 

Texans across the state appreciate water, and recognize the need to protect this valuable resource. But where to start?

Facts About Texas Water has the answers.
Peppered with the musings of Benjamin Franklin, Jacques Cousteau, and many others, the information is broken up into six easy-to-identify sections, providing an abundance of accessible information to the reader. For instance, if you’re curious about the affect water has on your health you would go to section five, Water for People and the Environment, and learn that:
“Two-thirds of our body mass is water. If your local water source has poor water quality, it will affect not only your health, but that of every other living organism in your area and downstream. The quantity and quality of water can have a direct effect on your health. You really are what you drink.”
Congratulations to all of those who put their time and energy into this valuable resource about our most valuable resource. Let’s learn about water!