Galveston Daily News Weighs in on Water Conservation, You Can Too!

Photo: Charles Kruvand

As the feelings of relief from the drought abate, many municipalities are already re-instituting water restrictions. At the same time, regions across Texas are in the middle of drafting revised Regional Water Plans. Region H, which includes Galveston County, is currently welcoming public comments on its proposed Regional Water Plan. Today, the Galveston Daily News editorial board weighed in.

Time to increase volume on water conservation conversation

It seems the drought in Texas is over and our water crisis has once again surpassed. We only talk about water – where it comes from, how much there is, how much we use – when we think we might be running out. We need to turn up the volume on the conversation about water conservation before the well, literally and figuratively, runs dry.

Click here to read the rest of the story (subscription required).

Lend your support for more water conservation in the Region H water plan today! Click here to send your message to Region H Chairman Mark Evans. To learn more about the Region H water plan, click here.