Fond Farewell to Our Spring Intern Nikki Whitehead

Spring 2015 Intern Nikki Whitehead

The end of the semester is upon us, which means another great internship at the Lone Star Chapter draws to a close. This week, we say goodbye to Nikki Whitehead, our stellar Media & Communications Intern in our Austin office. Nikki will continue her degree program at the University of Texas at Austin next year in the Moody College of Communication as an Advertising and Public Relations major.

Nikki helped the chapter this year in several areas. In addition to writing and editing content for our website and newsletter, she co-managed our social media platforms and assisted with our Amplify Austin fundraising efforts. The most valuable contribution she made, in my opinion, was her leading role in developing a process for gathering, analyzing, and reporting key performance metrics for our website, Facebook, and Twitter pages.

Nikki does not plan on slowing down this summer. She has booked an internship with Steel Branding, a full service PR and branding firm in Austin, which will begin after she gets back from a summer trip to Italy.

Buon viaggio e buona fortuna, Nikki!