Action Alert: Stop the Monstrous Water Gridzilla!

map of Texas with pipe design

The Texas House ofRepresentatives will make a major decision this week that could lead to the same water mistakes California made decades ago. Tell your State Representative that the California approach of moving massive volumes of water around the state is not right for Texas – it’s too costly, too damaging to our environment, and ultimately doomed to fail.

House Bill 3298 is set to be debated on the Texas House floor Thursday, May 7 – the bill would direct the state’s water planning agency to evaluate how to establish and operate a state water conveyance network – a massive plumbing system of pipelines, pumping stations, reservoirs, and other infrastructure to move large amounts of water around Texas. Supporters call this a “water grid” – we call it a monstrous “water gridzilla” that will trample on rural areas, agricultural producers, our state’s finances, and fish & wildlife habitat!

Tell Texas House members to stop the water gridzilla in its tracks!

What Texas really needs is to enhance efforts statewide to conserve water and use it more efficiently. That should be our first priority. There may be more water movement and infrastructure in our future, but those things should be considered on a local and regional basis as needed – trying to rob one area’s water to move it around the state is only going to lead to more controversy and stalemate. Texas needs a balanced approach to water that serves the best interest of all Texans and the environment we love. Send a strong message to your legislator that HB 3298 is the wrong approach to meeting our state’s water challenges!