Sierra Club Statement on the Recommitting of HB 40 to Committee



photo by Al Braden

State Representative Drew Darby (R-San Angelo) recommitted the controversial HB 40 back to the House Energy Resources Committee today due to a technicality. The bill would take away the rights of citizens and cities to protect themselves against pollution and hazardous activities. A point of order was raised on the bill related to technical problems with recording witness testimony. The bill quickly went back to committee, where it was voted out again. HB 40 is expected to be on the House floor for a vote as soon as Friday.

Cyrus Reed, Conservation Director of the Sierra Club’s Lone Star Chapter, issued the following statement in response to the recommitting of HB 40:

“While this only delays a floor vote a couple of days, I am glad to see it happen because it gives members more time to rethink this bill. Thousands and thousands of emails have been sent to legislators in the last few days urging them to vote no on this bill. There was an all night vigil against this bill last night. Mayors, fire departments, and major newspapers across Texas have analyzed and come out against this bill, and this break gives lawmakers time to re-examine their positions.

Texans from every corner of the state need to keep the pressure on the Legislature to preserve local government’s ability to ensure their safety. We also urge mayors to contact their state representatives to do the same.”

[Editor's Note: Add your voice to the thousands of Texans who are against this bill. Use this link to contact your State Rep and Senator to tell them to vote no on HB 40 and SB 1165!]