High Five Friday: Lone Star Chapter Wins CATEE Award!











Wouldn't it be great to launch a new tradition called "High Five Friday"? Let's get it going! Yesterday, the Lone Star Chapter received the Outstanding Non-Profit Organization Award at CATEE 2014. Cyrus Reed and several DFW-area Sierra Club leaders were on hand at the CATEE conference in Dallas to accept the award presented by the Energy Systems Laboratory of Texas A&M University. Let me fill in some details.

First of all, you may be asking, "what's CATEE?" CATEE stands for Clean Air Through Energy Efficiency. It is an educational conference and business expo held every year with the goal of connecting members of the public, decision makers, and thought leaders "to help communities improve decisions that determine the energy and water intensity of the built environment – and reduce related emissions."

Second question you may be asking, "what's this award all about?" From CATEE: "Each year, the CATEE Conference recognizes individuals, organizations and companies that have demonstrated outstanding and/or unique contributions to clean air through energy efficiency and renewable energy actions or programs. Nominations are invited from the public for recognition of leading efforts that contributed to improving the impact of buildings and development on cleaner air and environmental quality for Texas and especially its urban regions."

Third question is probably something like, "why did the Lone Star Chapter receive this award?" Well, for "exemplary achievement contributing to clean air through energy efficiency, enhancement of the energy codes, and renewable energy."

High five!

Sincerely, though, we are deeply honored to receive this recognition. It is a big morale booster and energizes our continuing efforts to improve Texas' air and water quality.

Now, to convince Cyrus to wear this on a chain around his neck at the Lege. It probably weighs about 5lbs. Thing is solid.