Update On Vista Ridge










Today, after more than four hours of citizen testimony, San Antonio City Council approved a contract between SAWS and Abengoa, a Spanish developer, to develop the 140-mile Vista Ridge water pipeline project. Despite hearing from a plethora of opposition voices both from San Antonio and from the area where the groundwater will be mined, such as Lee County (includes Burleson and Bastrop Counties as well), Council voted unanimously to move into the “development” phase of the project. Council heard from dozens of citizens and grassroots groups, including the Alamo Group of the Sierra ClubEsperanza Peace & Justice CenterSouthwest Workers’ Union, and others. Individuals representing groups such as the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce and San Antonio Chamber of Commerce spoke separately in favor of the $3 billion water project that will raise rates for San Antonio residents and deplete the Carrizo-Wilcox aquifer. The project will now seek all needed permits, rights of way, easements, etc. Stay tuned. San Antonio City Council is about to vote on a controversial $3 billion water project to import water from Burleson County that will raise your rates and deplete the Carrizo-Wilcox aquifer. The kicker? San Antonio may not even need it. If you live in San Antonio, it’s time to let City Council hear you say: “Put the brakes on Vista Ridge!”

[Original Post]

The Sierra Club, along with many other organizations and individuals have been raising many legitimate questions of both San Antonio Water System (SAWS) and the City about the Vista Ridge project, but Mayor Ivy Taylor said recently she has not been getting complaints about Vista Ridge. Before San Antonio is trapped in an expensive 30-year contract, we need some questions answered:

  • How much with San Antonio water customers have to pay on their monthly bills to fund this questionable project?
  • Why should we pay for water year in and year out that we only need during periods of drought?
  • Why is San Antonio planning its future growth on a water supply that is not sustainable?
  • Who will buy the extra water from what would be Texas’ most expensive water supply project?

Despite these serious unanswered questions, the City Council still plans to vote on Vista Ridge this Thursday. Why the hurry?If they think this is a good deal for ratepayers, they should give San Antonians more time to learn and ask questions about the project.

Mining an aquifer 142 miles away does not appear to be a good deal for San Antonio and its ratepayers.

If you live in San Antonio, we need you to take two steps.

  1. Please call Mayor Taylor and your City Council representative and tell them to “put the brakes on Vista Ridge and ask for an independent and transparent review of the project” (email and phone numbers below). They need to hear from you that more time is needed to assess this project.
  2. Sign up to speak at a City Council meeting this Wednesday or Thursday and tell them in person (Municipal Plaza - SE corner of Commerce and N. Flores)! Sign up to speak online early on the day of the meeting (Wed or Thu) or send a comment online any time after 8 a.m. Wednesday morning.
For all City Council Members: (210) 207-7040
Mayor Ivy Taylor: mayor.ivytaylor@sanantonio.gov
District 1-Diego Bernal: district1@sanantonio.gov
District 2-Keith Toney: district2@sanantonio.gov
District 3-Rebecca Viagran: district3@sanantonio.gov
District 4-Rey Saldaña: district4@sanantonio.gov
District 5-Shirley Gonzalez: district5@sanantonio.gov
District 6-Ray Lopez: district6@sanantonio.gov
District 7-Cris Medina: district7@sanantonio.gov
District 8-Ron Nirenberg: district8@sanantonio.gov
District 9-Joe Krier: district9@sanantonio.gov
District 10-Michael Gallagher: district10@sanantonio.gov

Want to learn more? The Sierra Club Alamo Group has compiled a great clearinghouse of information.

It just takes a few minutes to call the Mayor and your Council member. Please Act Now!

Thank you!