Financing Sustainable Water - More Than Just Ideas


People throughout Texas are supportive of reducing water use through water conservation and drought contingency measures – due in large part to Texas’ growing population and crippling drought. The big question that gets asked is how can a water utility sustain itself if it encourages its customers to use less of its product? The solutions don’t lend themselves to quick and easy explanations, which is why the Sierra Club Lone Star Chapter, in conjunction with the Texas Living Waters Project, is co-hosting a one-day seminar in Houston and Dallas to help utilities navigate the challenges of scarce supply, volatile weather, and declining demand. Financing Sustainable Water is designed to be a “how we can actually do this” gathering of water resource professionals.

Experts will cover the newest resources and strategies available to water managers, including:

  • Access to the latest research and strategies to model and evaluate rates that achieve revenue stability and incentivize efficiency
  • The latest policies and planning tools to enhance utilities’ financial outlook
  • How cost-effective efficiency programs support revenue management and fiscal sustainability
  • Proficiency in the latest ratemaking tools available and confidence to apply them

Just to be clear, this event, scheduled for November 12 in Houston and November 13 in Dallas, is not so much geared toward the citizen conservationist as it is toward water utility directors, water conservation managers, CFOs and finance directors,, city managers and other city leadership, business and community leaders, board members of municipal utility districts (MUDs), and regional water authorities.

However, water conservation advocates are encouraged to come! You will learn about sustainable water solutions available across Texas and about the in-depth training and resources that are available to water utilities. This information can help make you a better advocate for efficient use of water supplies in Texas. 

Participants in the one-day meeting will also receive an in-depth training on the new Alliance for Water Efficiency Sales Forecasting and Rate Model – an innovative, free, and user-friendly tool that can help managers explicitly model rate structures and effects on revenue and water use. This model addresses the shortcomings of typical models – which assume that future sales are known and do not respond to factors such as weather, price, and the economy – and helps answer questions such as:

  • What block rate design could allow us to preserve our current level of revenue while reducing demand?
  • What proportion of customer bills in each class will increase under new proposed rates?
  • How should we adjust rates to support demand management objectives during water shortages?
  • What is the likelihood we will meet one-year, three-year, and five-year revenue targets?

Will your water provider attend? Couldn’t hurt to send them this info. Also, here’s the agenda and a link to register for the Houston and Dallas meetings!

Interested but need more background info? Whet your whistle on this great blog from Water Resources Coordinator Jennifer Walker about water financing.

Financing Sustainable Water is being co-sponsored by the Texas Water FoundationDallas Water Utilities, the Alliance for Water EfficiencyTexas AWWA and the Texas Living Waters Project.